Top Front-End Frameworks For Web Development In 2024

IT Services
5 min readJan 11, 2024



A user does not even take a complete second to form a first impression of your website, all thanks to the remarkably lower attention span. It simply means that your website must have a clean, clear, and stunning interface to attract and retain credible visitors.

Frontend plays a very important role here. It helps you create a better user experience along with increasing customer engagement.

Apparently, the visual aspect of any website is taken care of by the front-end frameworks. Thus selecting the best ones suitable for your website is a hard choice to make before starting the development process. Here are the top 9 front-end frameworks for web development for you to make an informed decision based on your requirements.

Top 9 Front-End Frameworks For Web Development

Here are some most popular front-end frameworks for web development:

  1. ReactJS

Jordan Walke created the open-source frontend JavaScript package ReactJS to help developers create organized user interfaces for websites and web applications. With React, developers can create expansive online applications that dynamically change data without necessitating a page refresh.

ReactJS’s primary objectives are speed, scalability, and simplicity. ReactJS’s increased simplicity and adaptability have led to its rise in popularity. To increase their user base, many prominent industry leaders are choosing to adopt ReactJS development.

GitHub, Salesforce, Airbnb, Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, BBC, and many more websites are examples of ReactJS websites. These instances of eminent companies adopting ReactJS demonstrate something important: its growing usability has made it a front-end framework of choice.

2. VueJS

A progressive JavaScript framework called Vue.JS makes it easy to create modern application user interfaces without using a lot of resources. Vue.JS is used by about 1,940,742 active websites. Among the well-known websites that employ Vue.JS are Xiaomi, Alibaba, Gitlab, Upwork, Adobe, and Louis Vuitton.

Because Vue.JS is primarily concerned with the view layer, developers find it easy to incorporate it into pre-existing applications. Developing single-page apps (SPA) is best done with VueJS.

3. Angular

Angular is a free front-end JavaScript framework used to create all of the interactive elements of a website.

The framework’s main objective is to make single-page application development easier. Angular is the web developer’s first choice because of its emphasis on testability and code quality. The performance aspect of this framework is highly recommended, which is why it is popular.

Approximately 1,016,104 Angular-powered live websites. Some of the well-known websites and apps that employ Angular include Netflix, Paypal, Snapchat, Udemy, Amazon, and Gmail.

4. Next JS

NextJS is a JavaScript framework available for free and helps in creating incredibly fast and user-friendly web pages.

Using Automatic Static Optimization, which combines dynamic and static properties, this clear frontend framework can assist you in developing hybrid apps. To create single-page applications, NextJS uses Universal Apps to render both the client and server sides.

TikTok, AT&T, Twitch, and Hashnode are a few well-known websites that use NextJS for front-end development.

5. jQuery

Introduced in 2006, jQuery is among the pioneering front-end frameworks. It is still widely used in front-end website development, even though it was established earlier. Additionally, a sizable jQuery community exists for assistance because of the product’s extended lifespan on the market.

The jQuery library has amazing capabilities including AJAX, HTML/DOM manipulation, effects and animations, CSS manipulation, and more utility. It also features plugins for nearly every kind of task.

Google, IBM, Microsoft, and Netflix are just a few of the well-known businesses that utilize jQuery, along with 41 million additional websites.

6. BackboneJS

Another open-source JavaScript frontend framework, BackboneJS, was created in 2010 by Jeremy Ashkenas. It provides models with custom events and key-value binding, which gives structure to web applications. Additionally, it has a Router for creating single-page applications.

Building a client-rich application over a collection of REST APIs is a great use case for this framework. BackboneJS is available on GitHub, where it is hosted together with an online suite, tutorials, and a list of real-world applications such as Pinterest, Uber, Reddit, Walmart, and more.

7. Svelte

Svelte is a relatively new technology approach to web application development. It is a collection of resources, elements, and guidelines for building your website’s structure with JavaScript.

Svelte differs from other frontend framework sets in that it does not utilize virtual DOM. This framework has a notable feature that makes the website or application much lighter and more user-friendly while also improving the coding performance from the start.

Rich Harris created Svelte for the first time in 2016, and 71.4% of users prefer it for its excellent front-end development capabilities.

8. Ember.js

Originally known as the SproutCore MVC framework, Ember.js was created by Yehuda Katz and first published in December 2011.

It is an established and effective JavaScript framework made for building modern websites. All the necessary elements are included to design dynamic user interfaces that work flawlessly on any platform.

The route is the model in this framework, the handlebar template is the view, and the controller handles modifying the model’s data.

9. Preact

The lightweight 3kb substitute for React is a JavaScript library called Preact. It features the same cutting-edge ECMA Script and API functionality.

It’s a small library that’s easy to pick up. Preact is easy to use with pre-existing React packages because of its compatibility and resemblance to React. Its design justifies its minimum footprint, which is optimized to work flawlessly in a browser that supports DOM.


Frontend development has become an important part of today’s web requirements. Businesses today are going above and beyond to attract and retain customers, ignoring them is not even an option. As a result, these businesses are focusing much more on the user interface of their apps and websites to gain an edge over their competitors. Frontend developers at Protonshub Technologies, a web development company offer top-notch user experience with intuitive and user-friendly interfaces. The company entails qualified developers who use the latest frontend technologies to create apps with easy navigation and compiling UI.



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