Week 9 + 10 Updated

Jelani White
2 min readApr 12, 2022


The bot I designed is an Arduino with a temperature system that lights up when the temp is above 80 C and below 40 C. My idea behind this bot would be the set up of a warning system for when conditions would become unsustainable. The sensor can also sense humidity so maybe a different led can be set up for when the humidity drops to dangerous levels.


I don't have the Arduino bot with me because I am upstate away from my dorm but as soon as I can Ill update the documentation with the build.

At the beginning I said resilience comes from the resources a community has and everything I learned reinforced that from NYC Mesh to Community Gardens resources are what give communities their strength.

Me revisiting something would be the temperature bot I designed the week before I want to try working with the temperature sensor of the Arduino

Code for Plant Sensor

I revisited the Arduino light sensor bot I built before and attempted to add all the sensors that would let me know about the status of the plant. I added a soil moisture sensor and a temp sensor to the photoresistor. I was missing cables so I was getting really high readings for my temp sensor and I need to work that out but I got all the readings working and I would like to move forward with this for the final to build a bot with the wireless Arduino that updates the user when the plant needs something. I.E a talking Plant app

Arduino Build

