Colors In Magick

A guide to different colors and how they affect your spells.

Joshua Watson
3 min readMay 31, 2022
Photo by Dan Farrell on Unsplash

Colors are vital in a wide range of enchantments. Colors contact various pieces of your oblivious brain, trigger feelings and sentiments, and assist you with opening your enchanted energy and power. Involving the right varieties in your sorcery is essential to come by the best outcomes.

Many individuals use tones in an unexpected way — that is OK. We as a whole see tones diversely and they mean various things to every one of us separately. How you decide to utilize colors really depends on you and will rely upon your own inclinations.

Present-day enchantment utilizes variety in an assortment of ways: through candles, special raised area materials, oils, hued water, garments and robes, charms, plants and spices, pearls and gems, etc. All add to the force of your sorcery.

The Ancient Egyptians had sacrosanct chambers lit with hued daylight inside their sanctuaries. Beams of daylight were parted into the various shades of the rainbow so that each recuperating room was enlightened with a solitary, clear tone.

Guests would be analyzed and placed into the shaded chamber that would best recuperate and reestablish them. Furthermore, it is said that the residents of the lost development of Atlantis, which numerous researchers keep up with truly existed, had comparable mending chambers lit by gem-separated light.

The following is a rundown of colors as utilized by me in the magic spells accessible on All Magic Spells.

Red — for the most part, implied enthusiasm, desire, and love, red is an exceptionally impressive and strong variety. It is an “entire body” variety, causing a response across every one of you. Raising your pulse, concentrating, and initiating your body and psyche. Red is utilized in our Love Spells. Red is additionally utilized at times for outrage, despite the fact that spells ought to never be projected out of frustration.

Yellow — utilized for mending, quieting, certainty, fixation, and change. Yellow brings motivation and warmth and assists with recuperating. Yellow is utilized in our Healing Spells.

Green — for the most part addressing cash, achievement, desire, overflow, and success yet additionally addressing nature, the earth, and richness. Green is utilized in our Money Spells.

Blue/Purple — dull and strong varieties, these are lavish and rich. They incite sensations of force, incomparability, extreme control, and impact. There is likewise a component of understanding, devotion, and truth to blue and purple. These tones are utilized in our Power Spells.

White — is every one of the shades of the range joined and is a filtering, purging, and supportive variety. White is positive to such an extent that is useful in basically every enchanted spell! A definitive variety for security, harmony, congruity, light, otherworldliness, and wellbeing, white is utilized in a considerable lot of our spells however generally the Protection Spells.

Wake you up to the varieties around you during the day, and attempt to see what impact those tones have on you. Then, at that point, make an interpretation of that into your sorcery. For a more clear thought of what varieties can mean for sorcery, evaluate a couple of our spells from various spell books!

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