Scholarship Essay

Jessica Weed
5 min readDec 15, 2018

-- Scholarship Essay

Jessica Weed

How is mobile technology making business more efficient?

With the rapid improvement of technology, business is becoming ever more efficient. Mobile technology alone makes possible what was once unthinkable. Shining brighter than anything else are the relatively inexpensive and accessible mobile apps that offer a range of services to businesses of every size and industry. Restaurants, retail companies, and multi-million empires all have something to gain from the vast array of applications available for one’s phone, tablet, or computer.

The popular fast food franchise Wendy’s uses technology platforms such as and WorldAPP to help headquarters collect data from all of the Wendy’s franchises worldwide, then implement changes and improvements., which has its own mobile app, allows Wendy’s to efficiently gather data on customer satisfaction, franchise conformity, and overall quality across their many locations. They especially advertise their flexibility, as their business tools can be adapted to fit just about any type of business in any industry. Wendy’s leadership can use the data collected to develop improvements both company-wide and on an individual level. Furthermore, mobile databases can keep all of this crucial information in one place, which makes it easier for management to analyze the data and implement changes to “improve quality, food safety, and consistency.”[1] Using a mobile system makes it easier for management to improve their company all over the world.

A key aspect to successful business operations is maintaining positive relationships with customers. Just about every business student learns in one of his or her college classes that 20% of you customers produce about 80% of your sales. Although the exact figures may be disputed, the old adage highlights an important truth in business: repeat customers are more valuable than first-time customers, and are more likely to develop a high lifetime value for your company. With the advancement of technology, it is easier than ever to make one’s business more efficient, especially in the realm of customer loyalty and retention. For example, the NoWait App allows restaurants to accurately predict a customer’s wait time for a table. Traditionally, hosts and hostesses purposefully overestimated wait times, which could often discourage customers from waiting. The app allows restaurants to manage table rotation, guest flow, and waitlists, which gives a more accurate estimate on the amount of time customers will have to wait. Furthermore, the app replaces traditional pagers. Customers can add themselves to the waitlist from home or at the restaurant, and the restaurant will text the customers when their table is available.[2] This keeps the front entryway of the restaurant clear, so customers will not be discouraged from staying, based on the appearance of a long wait. The prompt and efficient service keeps customers happy and satisfied.

The restaurant industry is not the only one that can use mobile technology to its advantage. The popular airline Jetblue has an app that allows customers to download their boarding pass right onto their phones. The app also provides maps of the terminals and indicates whether the customer purchased “Even More Speed,” a benefit that allows customers to move through security more quickly.[3] This app is especially useful because traveling is already hectic and stressful without having to worry about long lines at the airport. Not only does this app make it easier to access their boarding pass and “Even More Speed” confirmation, but it frees up the check-in lines and security check for the other customers who do not use the app, as well. The convenient terminal maps help customers find their gate, even when they are in a rush. All of the benefits the app provides make flying a more enjoyable experience for the customer simply by making the entire process easier and more efficient for everyone involved.

The world is becoming increasingly globalized and interconnected, which both allows more employees to work remotely from headquarters and requires employees to travel more frequently. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to complete projects when all of the team members are not available to meet in person. The app PandaDoc makes it easier for people in different locations to work on a single document. This app helps businesses create documents, such as contracts, legal documents, and quotes. Its templates and easy-to-use layout make creating any document quicker and easier. Similar to Google Docs, PandaDoc tracks and records the changes each member makes to the document, which opens up discussion about revisions, and allows team members to return to an earlier draft, if need be. The documents are easy to customize with the company’s logo or to reflect the company’s industry. PandaDoc is easy to use and compatible with several other business apps, making it a helpful and efficient tool for companies of any size.[4]

Another app that eases communication between parties is called Slack. Slack is different from PandaDocs because it does not focus on drafting documents, but provides a means to communicate with a group of people about a wide variety of topics. Team members can include coworkers, customers, suppliers, or anyone else involved with the making of a product. It allows one conversation to have several threads, so that side discussions and details do not distract team members from the larger assignment. Furthermore, people can join and leave the discussion at any time, keeping team members free of unnecessary clutter and distractions. The app also allows users to share files and documents, and provides a video call option. Like PandaDoc, Slack is compatible with other popular communication tools, such as Google Drive. All of the features on the Slack app facilitate communication, which keeps business moving efficiently and effectively.[5]

Improved communication is, arguably, the greatest benefit of mobile technology. By itself, a cellphone or tablet allows its user instant access to just about any city, state, or country in the world. Anyone with a cellphone can be reached within minutes. Business apps provide the tools to make this communication productive and efficient, improving business in a myriad of ways. From franchise compliance to document drafting, mobile technology makes it easier than ever before to keep one’s business running smoothly and efficiently.

Word Count: 1,047

Works Cited

[1] “Wendy’s Continues to Lead Innovation through Partnership with” April 26, 2018. <>

[2] Daley, Jason. “How Technology Is Revolutionizing the Franchise World.” March 22, 2015. <>

[3] Johnson, Lauren. “JetBlue Elevates Travel Experiences with Mobile Boarding Passes.” February 14, 2013. <>



