Joe Donovan
13 min readMar 24, 2024

We Are All Destined to be Trapped on the Woo-Woo Choo-Choo

David Grusch is a classic American hero. Grusch is the young, retired
intelligence officer who testified to a Congressional committee on July 26,
2023, under oath, that on the strength of information provided to him by
about 40 whistleblowers, he believes that the US government directly or via
proxies has in its possession both crashed vehicles of non-human origin and bodies or parts of bodies belonging to their pilots.

It is striking how little Grusch’s testimony has ruffled the American
information landscape. It is as if the insanity of the 21st century — 9/11,
COVID, Trump vs. Biden, social media contagions gone mad, apocalyptic
climate and AI predictions and more — has numbed us all beyond repair.
And yet. There is a significant and growing cohort of serious people who are wrestling with the implications of the Grusch testimony. I count myself
among them. And when I ask myself why and how the government could
keep such momentous information secret from “us the people” since World
War II, I come to a relatively benign conclusion. The smart guys who have
been read into this have thought things through and it doesn’t look good.

Imagine you are Jake Sullivan. President Biden has made you the point
person in his administration for all things UFO/UAP related. (Or perhaps you have appointed yourself and merely helped to hold the pen as Joe signed the order.) It now falls to you to hold a press conference announcing to the American people and to the world that yes, we have non-human craft and bodies. In an election year. And at a time when half the country thinks you and your colleagues are crazy for other reasons.

Fine. No one said this job would be easy. “Life is like a mountain rail with an engineer who’s brave.” But think it through! You know those dividers they have in the supermarket that wall off your order from that of the
person ahead of you and that of the person behind you? Can you lay one of those
down on the conveyor belt just after the package marked non-human craft
and bodies so that you as government point man/spokesperson do not have
to deal with what we might call “the downstream speculation and effects?”

What might the downstream speculation and effects be? The UFO world is
populated with lots of hard-core, aggressive skeptics. Their usual MO is to
examine a single incident in isolation and come up with some semi-lame
pedestrian explanation for the incident (seagulls, sensor malfunction,
“swamp gas”) that might, with charity, hold some credibility in the narrow
circumstances presented, but can’t be right when viewed in the context of
thousands of sightings with various morphologies going back beyond a
hundred years. That larger context has been the province of dozens of
serious, credentialed researchers and of countless books and podcasts,
especially since 2017, when the New York Times published an article making
it clear that impossible craft (informally often called “tic tacs”) have been
harassing US Navy carrier groups for years.
So, once Jake gives his little speech, like it or not, the dam will be broken
and the larger picture will be forced into the mainstream. To wit, it will be
made clear that the US government has no fucking clue what is behind this
phenomenon, but the same government must concede that it is helpless
before it, both in terms of military technology and the larger “ontology.”

Thus, Jake in that initial press conference will invite us to board the “Woo-
Woo Choo-Choo,” but he will not be able to instruct us to get off at any stop

that leaves our zeitgeist intact, because there is no such stop.
What more will we learn? Can the people handle it, or will the generalized
“weeping and gnashing of teeth” that the Bible told us about rip us away
from Taylor Swift and the Kardashians and leave us all hiding under our
We have no concrete answers, but perhaps it’s useful to run through some of
the wisdom that we get from those serious, credentialed researchers, which
wisdom offers up varied and not always compatible notions of what we are
up against. (At the end of this article, we identify 30 people who may be
said to comprise the central, tenured faculty of the “Invisible College” as it is
currently constituted (but including a few deceased members), to use a
phrase made fashionable by a prominent member of the college, the
computer scientist and venture capitalist Jacques Vallee, whose 1969 book
“Passport to Magonia” is widely regarded as a, and perhaps the, seminal text
in the field.) The stories are legion, and they run from the quaint and
comforting to the stuff of our worst childhood nightmares.

➢ In 1896 and 1897, there was a rash of sightings of propeller-driven
“airships” over the western and central US, reported in many
newspaper accounts. There were no actual, conventional airships
operating in America at that time. Sometimes the ships would land
and their pilots would chat it up with the locals, or ask for a drink of
➢ Thousands of people report having seen silver-metallic orbs or balls of
light, often floating very close to the ground. Sometimes they morph
into other things, much like the ball of light that descended on Oz to
become the Good Witch Glinda. Could the last miracle at Fatima in
October of 1917 have been an expression of a similar phenomenon?
(More than 30,000 people were present for what appeared to be a
“spinning of the sun” and its potentially apocalyptic descent to the
➢ Schoolchildren on opposite sides of the globe experienced strikingly
similar mass encounters with UFOs, at Westall near Melbourne,
Australia in 1966, and at the Ariel School in Zimbabwe in 1994. The
occupants of the craft communicated with some of the Ariel School
children telepathically, warning them that mankind has put the planet
in danger. When asked what the nature of the danger was, one grave
little girl answered with a single word — “technology.” These many
years later, the children-now-adults on both sides of the Earth
steadfastly stick to their stories.
➢ In 1952, a swarm of UFOs flew over the mall and the White House in
Washington, DC. Fighter jets were scrambled to interdict them, but
they failed to do so.
➢ In 2006, multiple airline personnel reported to the tower at O’Hare
Airport in Chicago that there was a UFO hovering over one of the
ramps. After a while it zipped up and punched a hole in the clouds.
The story was suppressed.
➢ In 2007 Ray Bowyer, the very experienced pilot of a small British
commercial airliner flying from Southampton to Alderney in the
Channel Islands, together with two passengers saw a cigar-shaped
craft estimated to be more than a mile wide on the plane’s approach to
Alderney. He duly reported the incident, without prejudice to his flight
➢ In 1997 a black triangular craft, also said to be over a mile wide,
silently overflew Phoenix, Arizona at very low altitude. Thousands of

people reported having seen it. Fife Symington, then governor of
Arizona, himself a licensed pilot, tried to defuse the ensuing uproar by
dressing up one of his staff members as a Halloween-costume alien.
Later, however, he admitted great regret at having done so, and
admitted as well that he had seen the ship himself, and believed it to
be of non-human origin.
➢ A series of sightings have taken place in close proximity to the
launchpads for US nuclear-tipped ICBMs, temporarily disabling multiple
rockets even though they were programmed and wired to be
independent of each other, for fail-safe purposes. Two living witnesses
have repeatedly described these incidents in vivid detail — Robert Salas
with respect to Malmstrom AFB in Montana, and Mario Woods with
respect to Ellsworth AFB in Rapid City, South Dakota. Woods said that
the craft hovering over a missile facility was “the size of a Walmart.”
He also reported that beings associated with the craft approached his
government-issue pick-up truck, after which he experienced an
episode of “missing time” and unexplained physical displacement.
➢ Reports leaked out of Russia in the wake of the collapse of the Soviet
Union suggesting alien interference with Soviet missiles, but in more
ominous fashion. Their missiles were not disabled but rather put into
launch mode. Cool Soviet military heads are said to have prevented a
➢ Cattle mutilations are a well-documented phenomenon, and they often
seem to be connected with UFO activity. In the classic case, the dead
animal is found completely exsanguinated, but with no blood on the
ground around it, nor even any footprints — its own or of predators.
Precise, laser-like cuts have taken out an eye socket, the tongue, the
anus and sex organs. The heart may have been removed, but without
disturbance of the lining around the heart!
➢ A few cases of very similar human mutilation have been reported,
some accompanied by sobering photographic documentation.
➢ Quite recently, indigenous tribes in the Amazon have described a

widespread “pelacaras” phenomenon. “Pelacaras” means “face-
peelers.” Intruders are said to strip the entire face from a person,

leaving only the raw skull, attached to an otherwise intact, clothed
body. A researcher by the name of Timothy Alberino has released a
compelling interview with a 15-year-old girl who claims to have
narrowly escaped this fate in 2023, and who has scars on her neck

consistent with the tale. (It should be said that some of the tribal
people ascribe these misdeeds to the alien-to-them creatures known
as “gringos.”)
➢ In 1996, in Varginha, Brazil, a craft is said to have crashed outside this
medium-sized city. Two live beings with bright red eyes and ridges on
their heads were seen soon thereafter. One was found crouching,
apparently in fear, beside a wall by three young girls/women who
approached within 20 feet. The other was found by the side of a road
by two policemen in a car. One of the policemen — 23-year-old Marco
Eli Chereze — carried the being into the car, and they brought it to a
local hospital. Chereze soon thereafter became ill with a massive,
uncontrollable infection, and died. The being also died. Its body
reportedly was flown from Brazil to the US in a USAF cargo plane that
landed in the country without the customary permission from the
Brazilian government. A neurosurgeon at the hospital, Dr. Italo
Venturelli, has testified that he has seen a video of the creature, still
alive, being examined by other medical personnel. Both creatures are
said to have given off a rather sickening sulfurous ammonia-like smell,
which some attribute to excretion of waste through the skin rather
than via human means of elimination. All of this is extensively
documented in the 2022 film produced by James Fox called “Moment
of Contact.”
➢ Hundreds of people have reported being abducted by non-humans and
taken into their craft. Most often it is reported that they are subdued
or paralyzed and instruments used to extract sperm or eggs from
them. Sometimes the people are fitted with metalloid implants that
survive the encounter. Many women report that they were
impregnated, and that in a later abduction the fetus was removed. In
a few cases women have further said that they were brought back in
contact with the resulting “hybrid” children in further abductions for
brief periods of nurturing.
➢ There is an entire taxonomy of the sorts of creatures that one may
encounter when taken aboard a ship. To me, the most horrifying are
the so-called “reptilians” and “mantids,” which look just like you might
expect from the names. You may say that all of this is entirely bat-shit
crazy, but even if one suspends disbelief with respect to the basics, it
makes no sense for creatures from another galaxy to have evolved
into hyperintelligent bipedal lizards or mantises, when their native

environments must be wildly different from our own. Rather, it makes
more sense to speculate that the beings can shape-shift as they
choose, and in this case have chosen outward forms calculated
precisely to terrify us for some reason. Either that, or they have
evolved here on our planet, hidden away somehow for millions of
➢ Retired professor David Jacobs of Temple University is the most
prominent proponent of the theory that the aim of the aliens is to
hybridize in small steps until the resulting creatures are physically
indistinguishable as a race from you or me (he calls these “hubrids”).
Thereafter, in some way or another, they will, not to put too fine a
point on it, “take over the world.” In a fascinating book –“Walking
Among Us: The Alien Plan to Control Humanity” — he recounts tales
told, under hypnosis, by people who claim to have been enlisted into
the effort to acclimatize the hubrids to life among us, not physically,
but culturally! Some of these tales have a distinct “cone-head” quality,
with the hubrids hopelessly unable to sit in a living room and watch
television in the kind of array that we adopt naturally, or complaining
to their human guides that it just isn’t right to have a green shag
carpet in the family room but not in the kitchen!
➢ While the Woo-Woo Choo-Choo rolls along towards what — a harvesting
of our actual heads by super-intelligent but utterly soulless mantises?
– a grounded group of academics pokes at our zeitgeist in a way that
is on its face neutral on the question of the existence of the Others,
but that can be said easily to complement the endeavors of the
ufologists. I am referring to philosophers such as Bernardo Kastrup,
who ask us to toss out the premise we have leaned on since the dawn
of the Enlightenment, and indeed perhaps since Aristotle, that
everything in the world reduces to material particles. Rather, he says,
it is consciousness that is primary, and everything including our
material world arises out of it. Other philosophers, spiritually allied
with Kastrup, make the obvious and related point that our physical
senses do not just grant us access to the world we live in, they filter it.
They screen out much more than they let in. (Think of the tiny portion
of the electromagnetic spectrum that is occupied by visible light.)
Therefore, even without resort to multiverse theory, they say, it is
entirely plausible to postulate that the sphere of our awareness is but
a puny dot in a landscape of unimaginable scope and complexity.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

➢ Robert Bigelow is a billionaire businessman who owned the Skinwalker
Ranch and has invested tremendous resources in the investigation of
non-human intelligence and also the question what happens to us after
we die.
➢ Ralph Blumental is a veteran reporter who co-authored the 2017 New
York Times story blowing the lid off US Navy encounters with
“impossible” vehicles. He also wrote a biography of the Harvard
psychologist John Mack called “The Believer.”
➢ Jeremy Corbell is an investigative reporter and documentarian who
focuses his career on UFOs/UAP. He is co-host, with George Knapp, of
a podcast called “Weaponized.”
➢ Ross Coulthart is an Australian investigative reporter who focuses on
UFOs/UAP. He interviewed David Grusch in depth for News Nation and
collaborates with Bryce Zabel on an important podcast called “Need to
Know.” He is the author of “In Plain Sight,” which is a superb
introduction to the UFO phenomenon for the uninitiated.
➢ Richard Dolan is a historian by training and, with the possible
exception of Jacques Vallee, the most important informal historian of
the UFO phenomenon. He has written many books and hosted
hundreds of podcast hours devoted to the subject.
➢ Lue Elizondo is a former military commando and intelligence officer
who, together with Chris Mellon, was instrumental in breaking the US
Navy “tic tac” story.
➢ James Fox is a documentarian who has produced and directed two of
the most important films dealing with UFOs — “The Phenomenon” and
“Moment of Contact.”
➢ David Fravor is a retired senior US Navy flight officer who
encountered, up close and personal, one of the aforementioned “tic
➢ Ryan Graves is a former F-18 carrier pilot who now leads an
organization focused on encouraging the reporting of anomalous craft
with a view towards enhancing aviation safety.
➢ The role of David Grusch needs no further explanation.

➢ Budd Hopkins (dec.) was one of the foremost investigators of the
phenomenon of UFO abduction.
➢ David Jacobs is a retired Temple University history professor who has

devoted his late career to the investigation of the possibility that non-
humans have a program to displace us on Earth via genetic

➢ Michio Kaku is a prominent physicist whose field of specialization is
string theory.
➢ Bernardo Kastrup is a computer scientist and philosopher best known
for espousing the theory that consciousness, not matter, is “primary.”
➢ Leslie Kean is a journalist who collaborated with Ralph Blumenthal on
the 2017 New York Times article mentioned above. She has written
books on the UFO phenomenon and also on the evidence for survival
of death.
➢ John Keel (dec.) was a provocative and highly influential informal
philosopher of ufology who died in 2009.
➢ Darren King — a/k/a “ExoAcademian” — is an unusually thoughtful and
influential UFO podcast host.
➢ George Knapp is a veteran UFO reporter based out of Las Vegas. He is
perhaps best known for breaking the story of Bob Lazar, who claims to
have been employed at a facility called “S-4” for the reverse
engineering of UFOs near Nellis AFB in Nevada.
➢ Kenneth Knuth is a professor of physics at SUNY Albany.
➢ Jeff Kripal is a professor of philosophy at Rice University and curator of
the university’s “Archives of the Impossible.”
➢ John Mack (dec.) was a professor of psychiatry at Harvard University
who did groundbreaking work on the abduction phenomenon.
➢ Christopher Mellon is a retired high-level US government intelligence
official who, with Lue Elizondo, was instrumental in breaking the “tic
tac” story.
➢ Garry Nolan is an immunologist and a professor at the Stanford
University School of Medicine.
➢ Diana Pasulka is a historian of religion and a professor at the
University of North Carolina, Wilmington.
➢ Hal Puthoff is a physicist who has had long and deep ties in the
military, the security establishment and the aerospace community as
they engage with the UFO phenomenon.
➢ Jim Semivan is a retired CIA officer with similar long and deep ties.

➢ Whitley Strieber is the author of “Communion” and many other books.
Via the relation of his own personal experiences, he has been
instrumental in bringing the abduction phenomenon to a popular
➢ Jacques Vallee is a prominent computer scientist and venture
capitalist. He has been researching the UFO phenomenon since at
least 1960, and is commonly regarded as the leading mind in the field.
➢ Bryce Zabel is a Hollywood producer and ufologist who works closely
with Ross Coulthart in contemporary research into the phenomenon.
He is co-host of “Need to Know.”
➢ Michael Zimmerman is a professor of philosophy at the University of
Colorado who devotes his efforts now largely towards research into the