I can’t write anything new. Am I even a good writer?

Yashvi Jain
4 min readJun 17, 2024


Image from Unsplash.com

I was planning to write a very extensively researched blog talking about… well, that’s a secret.

Since I published my last blog on Medium, I was determined to stay consistent. I was determined to publish one blog every Sunday. So, for days, I was delving deeper into the knots of new topics I wished to write about. Somedays, I called it a day and closed my laptop. Somedays, I went on reading for hours, for I was intrigued by what people across the internet have to say. But some days, when I finally choose to write about it, I lost my voice. I had too much to say that I ended up writing nothing.

Even today, when I opened up to complete the blog, I saw so many scattered ideas on the screen that I actually closed the tab and started writing what you are just reading.

Am I not a good writer? Or do I lack in accumulating ideas into something meaningful?

It feels like somebody put a big rock on my way of thinking. You know what’s your way, but you aren’t able to get there. That’s the problem. And now, when I face it, I realise this is what is called a creativity block.

“The only way to get out of a creative block is to start creating. Even if it’s just a sketch or a few words, just start. The more you create, the easier it will become.” — Neil Gaiman.

Creativity block is when you sit down to write or do something, but your creativity dries up. Resulting which no new ideas coming out. It seems frustrating. Waters self-doubt. Makes you throw things. More you force yourself to think, the more it feels draining.

I have heard people saying that how nothing like creativity block exists and that it’s an excuse. It’s a problem for those who procrastinate. Those who don’t eat frogs ( if you know the reference, you know), it is a problem for those who are lazy and want to throw up the work.

But I guess not. Creativity block must be completely normalized.

I have seen how people take up this term in relation to designers or artists. But I want you to hear out today that it is completely normal for a writer to feel the same.

To realise that this is not forever. You won’t feel stuck every day. It doesn’t make you less of a writer. You are and still will be a creative person.

You will find many talking about ways to overcome creative block. But I want to tell you that there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Something works, and something won’t. For me, things like following works.

  • Reading a book
  • Taking time to talk with loved ones.
  • Watching movies (Hepburn uplifts me)
  • Making tea and enjoying its warmth on my hands.
  • Play with my dog or spend time with my plants.

What I am trying to convey is that distraction is not a solution. Delaying up the work will also not help. Just try giving yourself more space so that you can think more about it.

There were instances where I tried avoiding my work since I couldn’t be more creative about it. What happened? Every time I opened my laptop, I skipped that work and started doing something else. Here is where everything went wrong.

More you try to avoid things, the more it becomes annoying.

Creativity is like a muscle. You need to work on it. If you stop working on it, it is going to affect you in the longer run.

You need to know that even though you are not getting new points to start your blog with, you still have to complete it. There is no way you can avoid what is here to make you become better!

Do anything to feel better for the moment but with a pen in your hand.

In the past weeks, I have had various scenarios where I felt completely backed out. I feel guilty for the time I took to write my blog, which I am still not able to complete. When things were going not-so-right, I was doubting my skills.

There is always a way to make things right. Yes, you can call it solutions!

But, today, this piece stands as a testament that it is completely normal to feel nothing on days. A message for you. A lesson for me.

A clap to applaud and agree on normalizing it!



Yashvi Jain

Now this girl with books, wants to become a woman writing them!