Parkinson‘s in Ayurveda

Jyoti Gupta
2 min readAug 1, 2023


Source: Wikipedia

Parkinson‘s Disease Correlated with Kampvata in Ayurveda

It is a degenerative disorder, most commonly affecting older adults, its prevalence increased from 1% over 65 and 5% over 80 years and affects men and women equally. This syndrome has a classical triad of resting tremor, bradykinesia, and rigidity. This triad does not include the equally important gait and postural stability problems that constitute a syndrome. This disease has an insidious onset and is slowly progressive leading to severe morbidity.

This disease condition is described as ‘VEPATHU’ in Ayurveda, in this generalized involuntary movement all over body parts or the head only is caused by vitiated Vata. So Vatahara treatment is given to these patients.



  1. Use of citrus fruits vegetables, nuts, milk and milk products, old rice, wheat, pomegranate, guava, apple, peach, garlic, nimbu, mango, orange asafoetida, sprout, etc
  2. Avoid jamun, excess protein diet, barely, peas, hot spicy food, incompatible foods
  3. Be active in social and family functions.
  4. Practice daily aerobic exercise.

Medical Management

SHODHAN CHIKITSHA [Bio-cleasing therapies]

A. Snehana(oleation); Gentle Abhyayang (massage) with medicated oil such as

1. Mahanarayan taila

2. Kshira baladi taila

3. Mahamasha taila

4. NAshwagandha taila

B. Sarbhang Sveda (STEAM BATH); Patrapinda sveda for 3–7 days

C. Matrabasti with Sahacharadi taila and Saindhav Lavan for 15- 20 days

D. Nasya karma (Bhriman nasya) with Purana ghrita 8–8 drops in both nostrils for 7 days

E. Shirobasti and Shirodhara 45mins daily for 7 days, with Brahmni taila.


Ashwagandha powder

Ashwagandharista (Withania somnifera)


Brahmi swarasa (Bacopa Moneri)

Brahmi vati

Kappikachhu bija paste

