Jyoti Khetan
3 min readAug 19, 2019


Virupaksha is still a unsolved mystery till date.Virupaksha is located in the east of pashupatinath temple and on west bank of Bagmati river. The virupaksha is a mystery as it is a half above the ground and half below the ground statue which is coming out slowly. The nearby statue is of Mrigeshwor Mahadev lord shiva in the form of deer. Virupaksha also called as kali.

Virupaksha statue in Pashupatinath

There are lots of mythological stories related to virupaksha. Some are from purans, mahapurans and some are just generalized by people. One story tells virupaksha as the god of kirat people and statue built by kirati people of ancient Nepal. He is the ancestor of kirat. His statue was buried due to the earthquake.


Likewise another story explains him to be the the chief of Nagas in the primitive age of Nepal. The nagas were the gatekeepers of lord shiva the non-aryan god. The nagas community was matriarchal which means freedom to relationship and can have relation between brother,sister, mother and son.

Another very interesting story related to virupaksha is he belongs to a poor family whose father went for the work and didn’t return virupaksha in search of his father at the age of 7 left home. On the process of finding his father years passed by and one fine day he went to a cave for shelter where he found a lady but he couldnt see her face due to the darkness in the cave and had a sexual relationship with her. In the morning when he saw the lady he was shocked to see his own mother. That period of time kalyug started.

Filled of guilty he went to pahuspatinath temple for regret. On arrival of virupaksha in pashupatinath he saw lord shiva fully intoxicated. Lord shiva told him to open the lid of hot utensil where virupaksha burned his face by the vapour. He cursed lord shiva and went to Buddha he gave him a garland to chant until it gets spoil. He chanted sitting near the bagmati river for long time by seeing the garland not getting spoiled he got frustrated and left the chanting.

On the way to home a boy was hammering iron continuously then he asked the boy why he was doing that the boy replied he wanted to make a needle to sew his torn clothes. The boy was no other than Buddha himself he was showing him the right path .Then virupaksha realized the fact and again started chanting the garland near the bank of bagmati river and when people saw him chanting Buddha’s garland in Pashupati premises people buried him in the ground.

Virupaksha wants to take revenge with the people of earth as when he wanted to do repentance they buried him. The statue is coming out slowly and it is believed that when it fully emerges out virupaksha will take revenge with people of earth for burying him inside the ground. At that time he would do destruction and end of the kalyug civilization, world would be there to stop him lord shiva would take kalki avatar to kill him.

There are many such mythical stories but there is no any evidence of them being truthful. These are passed from generation to generation by our ancestors and these stories may be similar or differentiate from people to people.

In my opinion, the civilizations may come and go they don’t remain always same throughout but earth can’t get destroyed easily. Earth has gone through several phases and different civilizations flourished and diminished in the earth from dinosaurs era to the modern era. The older civilizations are means of research for today and might be in the future we would be the subject of research for next generation.