How does Acceptance and Commitment Therapy define values?

Mental Health
4 min readJul 26, 2023


Story: Guided by the Star

Nestled amidst rolling hills and mist-covered valleys, David stood at a crossroads in the village center in Bullsville, his heart heavy with uncertainty. The warm hues of the setting sun painted the sky, casting a golden glow upon his face. With a weary sigh, he yearned for a guiding light, an ethereal beacon to navigate the labyrinth of his thoughts.

Suddenly, a gust of wind whisked away the uncertainty, revealing a weathered map at his feet. Its faded parchment held promises of adventure and purpose, kindling a spark of hope in his weary eyes.

With the old map clutched tightly, David embarked on a quest that would take him through diverse landscapes. Each step unveiled breathtaking vistas — the majestic mountains with their snow-capped peaks, the forests with towering trees whispering ancient secrets, and the crystal-clear rivers that flowed with the wisdom of ages.

Along his journey, David encountered Samantha, a skeptical and judgmental individual who believed in conformity. She questioned his choices, discouraged him from exploring his potential, and fueled his self-doubt with her cynicism.

David retorted, “Look, Samantha! This map is a sign! It’s telling me there’s more to life. I need to follow my own path, explore the unknown.”

Samantha raised an eyebrow and mentioned, “Really, David? You think a piece of old paper will lead you to some grand revelation? You’re setting yourself up for disappointment.”

David already amazed by the scenery retorted, “Samantha, look around! Isn’t this incredible? There’s so much beauty and wonder in the world, waiting to be discovered.”

Samantha mocked him by saying, “Still chasing your silly dreams, David? When will you realize it’s time to give up and face reality?”

Samantha’s sharp wit challenged David’s beliefs, forcing him to succumb to his insecurities.

Despite Samantha’s skepticism, David remained determined, fueled by the radiant glow of the guiding star that danced among the constellations.

As David neared the summit, the air grew thin, and the challenges grew more formidable. Before him stretched a vast chasm, its depths obscured by swirling mist. Doubt and fear clawed at his heart, magnified by Samantha’s relentless skepticism and discouragement.

At that moment, David transcended his limitations and stepped into his true power.

At the mountain’s peak, a glorious sunrise painted the sky with hues of pink and gold, illuminating David’s path. The guiding star shone brightly above, mirroring the newfound clarity within his heart.

David felt a profound sense of purpose and authenticity as the light enveloped him. He realized that defining his values was not merely an intellectual exercise but a transformative force that infused every aspect of his existence.

With his values as his compass, David descended the mountain, ready to live a life aligned with his true self, no longer swayed by Samantha’s doubts.

In the end, David discovered his purpose and embraced his authentic self, bringing resolution to his journey of self-discovery. The guiding star continued to shine, a symbol of the transformative power within each of us. And as David walked into the horizon, he was left with a sense of fulfillment.

David journeyed back to the valley below, guided by the mystical star’s light.

In the village, David’s family and friends notice the radiant glow surrounding him. They saw newfound confidence and purpose in his eyes.

Word of David’s journey and transformation spread like wildfire, inspiring others to explore their true selves and embrace their unique paths. The village became a hub of self-discovery, and the guiding star’s light touched every soul willing to seek clarity and fulfillment.

In time, David became a beacon of hope, guiding others on their quests for purpose and authenticity. He opened a commune where people came to find their inner light, mirroring the guiding star’s wisdom. His days were filled with laughter, joy, and the hum of self-discovery.

David’s commune thrived as the seasons passed, and the guiding star fostered unity and inner wisdom. The transformative power of defining personal values touched the hearts of all who dared to embark on their quest for self-discovery.


Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a form of psychotherapy combining cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and mindfulness practices. It aims to help individuals develop psychological flexibility and navigate life’s challenges effectively. In ACT, personal values are crucial in shaping the therapeutic process and guiding behavior toward a meaningful and fulfilling life.

Rest of the article: How does Acceptance and Commitment Therapy define values?

