Failure: The Best Learning Opportunities

How to fail into success.

Jyssica Schwartz
Write Out Loud


We try to have “teachable moments” with children whenever something goes wrong.

We give them an allowance in exchange for chores to try to teach them the value of money. We break up sibling fights and tell them about peaceful conflict resolution. After consoling a kid who was teased, we try to explain that not everyone is going to like you and you have to ignore the haters. We allow them to choose their own haircuts and say no to hugs so that they learn body autonomy.

But what about as adults? Especially business owners?

No one sits you down and talks about how that missed deadline and the loss of a client is really going to drive home the importance of organization, prioritization, time management, and meeting deadlines.

Photo by Jean Gerber on Unsplash

No one tells you how creating the wrong pricing structure is going to eventually benefit you by showing you what doesn’t work.

No one explains how undervaluing yourself and stressing out about not having any money is a great lesson about your own value and your time and what you’re providing to your clients and the…



Jyssica Schwartz
Write Out Loud

Manging editor. entrepreneur, writer, editor, cat lover, weirdo, optimist. Author of “Write. Get Paid. Repeat.” & “Concept to Conclusion.”