How to Sell Yourself

Sales is super important as an entrepreneur.

Jyssica Schwartz
Write Out Loud


Are you one of those people who claims they “hate sales” or “don’t pitch” themselves? And then wonder why other writers or freelancers are making good money faster than you did?

Or maybe already make more than you do?

It’s not enough to be good at what you do.

It just isn’t. You might think that isn’t fair, but newsflash: life is not fair.

I had a personal blog for over 6 years, assuming that if I was funny enough, posted often enough, or was interesting enough, I would somehow get discovered. I’d get a book deal and people would pay me to write for them, and I’d be featured in big magazine for how hilarious my writing was.

Much like the stories of child actors being “discovered” as they roamed the mall, it just doesn’t really happen like that for most people.

My blog did not make me money, though I enjoyed it.

As soon as I went out and LOOKED for clients and PITCHED myself to them, I immediately started making money.

Literally, I started sending pitch messages and emails to some people, and had 4 clients less than a week later.

Sales makes the world go ‘round.



Jyssica Schwartz
Write Out Loud

Manging editor. entrepreneur, writer, editor, cat lover, weirdo, optimist. Author of “Write. Get Paid. Repeat.” & “Concept to Conclusion.”