The Top 2 Best Ways To Be a Better Writer

Not clickbait, seriously. These 2 things will make you a better writer.

Jyssica Schwartz
Write Out Loud


You may think this is clickbait, but it’s not.

I have been a writer my entire life. I have a shelf of journals I started as a kid and wrote stories and poems and songs, and then I started blogging online around 2001-ish on LiveJournal before moving to Blogspot, WordPress, and eventually Medium.

I’ve spent the last 3 years as a paid writer, where I have really settled into a specialty in editing books for other writers — my favorite thing to do!

I absolutely love diving into a manuscript and helping an author polish and reword and make their book stronger.

I am constantly on a quest to improve my own writing and that of others.

The 2 things you can do to become a better writer right now are:

  1. Practice.
  2. Read more.


Writing is a skill — much like singing, art, and playing an instrument. Sure, some level of natural talent exists, but with enough practice, anyone can become good at it.




Jyssica Schwartz
Write Out Loud

Manging editor. entrepreneur, writer, editor, cat lover, weirdo, optimist. Author of “Write. Get Paid. Repeat.” & “Concept to Conclusion.”