Course: “New consumer trends”- “Mobile reputations”- Mobile Me (Panteion University)

Liana Kollia
Mobile Reputations
Published in
2 min readJan 13, 2019

“Hello my name is Liana Kollia. Here is in short some info about me and my phone. I begin my day by using social media in the morning, while during the day except for communicating with my friends I also use it as a source of information. I get updated from Facebook about academic news, local news, job applications or scholarships and if anything happens in my job I will be immediately informed via Viber. I mostly use this application for communicating with my coworkers. What’s more, there is also Instagram. I like interacting with my friends by either uploading personal stories or commenting on theirs as well. Except for that, I also use my phone to organize my routine and hobbies. Some of my most useful apps are OASA telematics, Translator, Office, Female Fitness and Buttocks workout. My day closes by watching YouTube to fall asleep.”

Here is a video of how a typical day with my mobile phone looks like. Enjoy!

