Ready, Set, Go!

Setting up Qubit’s BI for success 🚀

Kieran Mulholland
7 min readSep 17, 2018


Qubit delivers ‘personalisation at scale’ and was recognised as a leader of ‘Personalisation Engines’ by Gartner’s 2018 Magic Quadrant. Qubit epitomises “data being the new oil”.

Gartner’s 2018 Personalisation Engine Magic Quadrant

This article is about how we at Qubit set up our Business Intelligence (BI) programme for success, creating a foundation for scale. I have written this with practitioners in mind, however, the underlying story of how we have leveraged BI to serve the business is a transcendent one.

This is where I come in …

I joined Qubit early in 2017 with the memo of adding value from the data we have today, in a manner that was scalable and manageable with a small team.

Easy right?

To break this journey down, this article will cover two key milestones that we feel have allowed us to transform how BI works at Qubit:

  1. The ETL and Data Warehouse; and
  2. BI Tool Selection.

Firstly, what does BI mean to Qubit?

