Archangel Jeremiel and Life Review

K. Pearson Bradley
3 min readNov 12, 2022
Photo by Author of Radleigh Valentine’s Archangel Power Tarot (AA Jeremiel)

One of my favorite spiritual teachers in the world is Radleigh Valentine. He is the person who introduced me to the archangels, a gift for which I am eternally grateful.

Most people know about Archangel Michael, the hunky Thor-looking angel of protection and self-confidence, and Archangel Raphael, the serene physician of the angelic realm. Much has been written about them, and many have called on them for care and assistance.

One of the less talked-about archangels is Jeremiel, whose name means “God uplifts” in Hebrew. He is mentioned in various iterations of the Bible, and he has been described as a loving and sweet energy, even funny. I read a post by Jodie Helm, one of my favorite Medium writers, who wrote that she feels his loving presence and calls him “Jerry.”

I admit that I was a little put off by AA Jeremiel’s main job — the Life Review. For some reason, it raised the specter of looking back to see where I had veered off course. Like a teacher telling me what I did wrong on an assignment.

I therefore rarely called on (or admittedly, even thought of), Archangel Jeremiel.

Last week, however, I was watching Radleigh Valentine’s “Energetic Forecast” for the week, which I do on most Sundays. He pulls cards for each day of the week and he also invites viewers to choose their personal archangel of the week from a choice of four, which are not revealed until after you selected the card you were most drawn to. Here’s a video for this week’s forecast:

The funny thing about last week’s personal archangel of the week choices is that I felt drawn to all four of them. Usually I only feel drawn to one, or in a rare instance, maybe two.

I was super-interested to find out who the personal archangels were last week, because usually they are four different archangels, and the one who will work for your highest good for the week will be on the card you’re most drawn to.

This week, however, cards 1 and 2 were both Archangel Jeremiel, and cards 3 and 4 were both Archangel Ariel. I love her energy, too — she feels beautiful and strong, is known as the protector of plants, animals, and the earth, and is often associated with abundance.

Radleigh mentioned that this was the first time that there were only two angels represented by the personal archangel cards, and therefore it was a special message from the angels to work with these angels. \

Hmmmm, it seemed like the messages were: God uplifts, life review, nature, and abundance. I was all for the God uplifts, nature, and abundance messages, but life review?

It all came together on Friday, the 11/11 portal day, where lots of spiritual teachers were encouraging us to be clear about what we want to manifest in the coming year. What I found interesting, however, was that they also were saying not to work on manifesting until we had reviewed where we had been.

The message was that before manifesting, focus on gratitude for where we had been before the pandemic, notice how much we’ve changed, grown, and adapted in the last few years, and celebrate our accomplishments.

And how did they recommend doing that?

Life review.

That’s where AA Jeremiel comes in — he very kindly and lovingly helps us assess where we’ve been. I realized last week that the life review with Archangel Jeremiel is not like going over a test where the teacher points out all the answers we got wrong.

Rather, it’s more of a celebration of our growth and expansion, meant to provide joy and give us confidence to continue the journey.

Archangel Jeremiel is also well know for assisting us with our intuitive gifts, which may be why most people (including me) see and feel him as a deep purple or indigo color — the color of the third eye chakra.

If you feel like you’ve come a long way since early 2020, and are not sure where the future will lead you (or have an idea and want some help with the details), I encourage you to call on Archangel Jeremiel for a positive and affirming life review to recharge your batteries and get ready for what’s to come.

Peace and blessings to all.



K. Pearson Bradley

Writer, Shakespeare Enthusiast, Nature Lover, Lightworker, Foodie, Traveler, Reiki Master, Author of Merchant Tides Series, Certified Angel & Aura Reader