(6.1) Manage.me : Misc. Screens

App Screen 3

Kshitij Sachdeva
2 min readAug 12, 2017

App Intro Screen

the home page or the introduction page for manage.me app, this page is the home page you land on , this gives a brief intro on what the app does and what it is meant for and links to signup/login page.

Contact Us Screen

manage.me also offers a built in request/query logging system to enable the user to send his request to us without any hassle and enable us to respond quickly.

User Account Screen

a standard user account screen which displays the users’s registered information like email , mobile and allotted hasura id to the user. this screen also offers a service to change the password.

here is a small video showing functionality of standard misc. screens

For a Detailed Guide on Main App Dashboard and Functionality refer following link

For a Detailed Guide on the Event Detail Page functionality, refer the following link.

