We Were Both on a Vacation- My Pet & Me!

Kriti Seth
2 min readJun 29, 2017

Pets are family and all the pet lovers will surely associate with this thought. Your pet has been a part of your family portrait, casual outings and extraordinary lifestyle. Even though we adore these precious watch guards, at times unwillingly you have to proceed with your expedition without them by your side. In today’s lifestyle, everyone is busy and occupied and leaving your pet at their disposal seems a hassle. I am thankful to not have faced such an issue as I am a resident at The Resorts, Central Park who offer an exclusive amenity of Pet Hotel, which is a boon for all the pet owners.

My family had planned our annual vacation and we were flying to Spain this year for a soothing summer time. It was supposed to be a 3 week trip and I was as excited as I was tension free for my little beagle, Cairo! He is a chirpy friendly dog whom I left under the care and able guidance of the vets and caretakers at the Central Park.

When I returned after a delightful vacation, my Cairo wagged his tail out of happiness and hugged me. Glancing at him made me realize that he seemed as happy and friendly as ever. His fur was perfectly washed and well kept, his diet continued to be as per his routine and his eyes hadn’t lost that sparkle. It was heartwarming to see him in the exact condition that I has left him in. I got acquainted with the fact that Cairo had made friends with the fellow pets and he was certainly the naughtiest of the lot. I felt like a mother dutifully picking up her Child from the boarding school and receiving praises for her child’s excellent performance.

After this wonderful experience, I can vouch that The Resorts by Central Park indeed delivers what it promises and these thoughtful amenities besides the World class luxuries are a perfect example of how one can indeed expect the World at Central Park!

