Creating Our Game Economy

Krish Nambiar
2 min readMay 9, 2024

We started brainstorming our game economy. We thought of two currencies, a primary currency and a special currency.

Gold Coin (left) and Cat Token (right)

The primary currency are gold coins, which players will receive from playing the game. Winning earns more coins than losing to give people an incentive to try and win. A bigger incentive for players to play more and try and collect more gold coins would be to add skins and emotes which can be unlocked with the gold coins.

Our special currency is cat tokens. These can only be bought using real money. This allows us to monetize the game. There will be exclusive items and packs which can only be unlocked using cat tokens or they can be converted into gold coins giving the players the flexibility and choice in how they want to customize their gaming experience.

Abbreviated logo for “Fur and Fortune” battle pass

We also planned on implementing a battle pass system which will utilize the cat tokens at some point. Maybe not initially, but later on as a future update. We came up with the name “Fur and Fortune”. The pass will offer players exclusive rewards and challenges to tackle.

