Graveyard: A place where we talk to people who’ve passed away.

Funerals Are For The Dead

Aren’t they?

Kesava Mandiga


What are funerals for? To honor the memory of the deceased person, and give them a final resting place?

No. I thought about it a lot when I was a kid, especially after my grandfather died. Most religions or theories I’ve heard of, state that, when someone dies, their soul leaves their body. If so, then what’s left is only a piece of meat, simply looking like the person we knew. That person is in a “better place”, like everyone likes to say. We should be happy for them. Instead, we shed tears, grieve and mourn the passing.

Why? Why do we do that, I kept asking myself.

The only answer that made any sense is that we are still here. Left alone, without that person. We need to say our goodbyes to that person, and know, even after their death, where they’re staying. Just in case we need to talk to ‘them’ again.

Funerals aren’t for the dead, they are for the living.

A series of thought-provoking concepts and lines from Finding Why’s, a Harry Potter fanfic that I’m reading now.



Kesava Mandiga

Forever a reader, sometimes a writer. I think I like hugs.