I reviewed over 100 custom GPTs (so you don’t have to)

Konstantin Kovar
3 min readDec 22, 2023


A frenzy for building custom GPTs started when OpenAI announced the feature at their developer conference. No wonder, it made primed and prompted GPTs reusable and sharable, which means you could not only precisely fine-tune the AI and feed it with some extended or niche knowledge, but you could also take that thing and send it to your grandma to answer all her tech questions.

TL;DR: Best GPTs I found:

  1. Glibatree Art Designer
  2. SEO Fox
  3. ConvertAnything
  4. Grimoire
  5. Escape The Haunt

Send me your favourites, and I will put them on Amazing GPT!

This image was created by the Glibatree Art Designer as a WEBP, a format Medium won’t accept, so I converted it with ConvertAnything. Both on the list.

Since this feature was launched without an official store, some people, including myself, started building their own GPT stores. For this curated list of amazing GPTs, I tested over 100 GPTs, and these are the ones that stood out to me:

Glibatree Art Designer

The Glibatree Art Designer is my go-to image creator. It doesn’t just create an image for you; it expands on your prompt and gives you back four variations that are formatted to be directly used with Midjourney; it also will generate all those four ideas and then suggest four more to you when it’s done. This is a huge improvement upon the already impressive capabilities of DALL-E.


A GPT that writes SEO content for you? Sure, there are plenty of those. What sets SEO Fox apart is the structured approach to the topic. You start with keywords, go to headlines, then the introduction, and so on, all in a sequence that makes working with it a worthwhile experience, often yielding a very useful result. I have posted a short video review of this one on my YouTube channel.


ConvertAnything is amazing. I have used it not only to convert between picture formats, like from PNG to JPG or JPG to WEBM, but also to resize pictures within the same file format. Say you want to improve site speed on a homepage by using only the correct image dimensions. Look no further than this GPT. I even tried multiple inputs at once (getting both JPGs and PNGs of varying sizes to WEBMs of the same size), and it did this with impressive precision. If it handles other file types half as well as images, this one belongs in your bookmarks for sure! This one is a real gem!


I’d be curious about what Grimoire looks like on the backend. It is a coding assistant, but of a kind that I dare say you have never seen before. You are not talking to a machine here; you are talking to Grimoire, a fantasy coding wizard that you can task with all kinds of (web)development-related tasks. The depth of expertise is really impressive, but what gets me is the thoroughness and attention to detail in the responses.

Escape The Haunt

Escape The Haunt is just such a fantastic idea. It is a text-based adventure game. Old-school gamers (and I mean, like, old-old-old-school gamers) might remember games of the like of Zork. This is like that, but with the charming difference that it will use DALL-E to generate images of the clues and environments.

Something I found trying to escape the haunted hotel.

If you have any GPTs that are neither on that list nor on Amazing GPT, please let me know; I would love to check them out!



Konstantin Kovar

I'm diving into prompt-engineering while building my own browser extension around that topic. Find it here: https://prompt-dress.com 👗🚀🎇