Creating and Holding Sacred Space

Kayla Faith
3 min readFeb 24, 2021


My Personal Sacred Space — Photo by Kay Faith 2021

Tip # 1- Let’s start with the basics…

Acknowledge the VALUE and IMPORTANCE of a few moments of stillness for your Mind-Body & Spirit

Tip # 2- Be Realistic

Only you know HOW/WHEN/WHERE you can carve out a few consistent moments

Tip # 3- Be Creative as to WHERE you would like to create Sacred Space

So, how Creative are you? Feel free to create your version of Sacred space in your car, home, or outdoors in Nature

Tip # 4- Imagine/Envision

This is usually simple, although with the present stress of COVID-19 Quarantine it may be a Challenge to Imagine or Envision anything beyond this moment in time.

In our fast paced world, many of us find ourselves residing with anxiety, upheaval and uncertainty without even understanding how or why imbalance has become such an insidious force in our lives.

We are in a time of information overload, which is coming at us from all sides with warp speed, from more sources than we are aware of or can even imagine.

As adults, we are trying to figure out simply how to survive, let alone even comprehending how to allow ourselves to THRIVE.

Even as I write this, I am clearly aware of how, we as writers and readers, are becoming conditioned to only want to read snippets and text like styles of writing.

Which means those of us who are “story tellers” at heart, are truncating our style of writing in order to get articles published.

The days of sitting down with a novel seem to be a fading memory… we all want the Cliff Note version of information rather than to clear a time slot for more than a hot minute to explore the depths and nuances of an article, which may hope to share some new insights or twists on old ways of approaching life.

Clearly, this truncated form of communication in both spoken or written words has become the norm. This deeply saddens me perhaps even more than it concerns me.

It seems instead of trying to fend off the pipeline of information overload we are finding it easier to adapt to it.

So here are my simple thoughts on how to “Create & Hold” your own Sacred Space…

Ask yourself what draws you to your sense of inner Peace

Is is taking a deep breath or taking a walk? Or turning off the ringer of your phone for even 5 minutes?

Is it taking a look at a photo of a loved one you can’t see in person due to Covid-19 protocols?

Find a place in your home, or even your car, where you can be alone and dedicate five minutes to creating a small “Sacred Space”. Place one item which you can look at for a moment and then close your eyes and simply take several slow deep breaths in and exhale slowly and mindfully out.Say a simple prayer or take a moment to state what you are grateful for in this moment. If you want to create a sacred space in your home you can light a small candle, or place something profoundly meaningful on a small table or window sill and follow the same suggestions above for going within.

Take a few moments to bring yourself back to center and you will find yourself Creating & Holding your uniquely personal Sacred Space ❤️



Kayla Faith

Sister, Mother, Grandmother, Great Grandmother, Friend, Lover, Writer, Hospice & Patient Advocate ,Intuitive Medium. visit my website: