15 (Total) Views — Am I Going to Give Up?

Not that I am not disheartened, but that shouldn’t take away all the hopes — not so soon!

Rimi Creates
4 min readSep 12, 2023
Author’s stat page screenshot
Screenshot of author’s stats page on medium.com

15 total views…

After publishing six stories, this one will be my seventh.

My thoughts?

That’s still a good start.

No matter how bad a single or double digit number in your stats may make you feel, it’s still something, if you ask me.

And it’s not about the numbers right now, however.

Like every other aspiring writer, I started writing online, on Medium to be specific, with the hopes of reaching my ideal audience, making a side income, and improving my craft.

But that’s where I went wrong.

Initially, I was too focused on getting something out of writing. I wanted to gain something, whether that be non-material wisdom and intelligence or monetary profits.

I was too fixated on gaining.

I felt a certain kind of entitlement to success in my goal of writing.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with expecting to be compensated for your efforts and the plenty of hours you put in to yield the desired post. But what I forgot is that your hard work is not always and necessarily bound to pay off almost immediately.

Your efforts may not pay you back the way you want them to. And that’s okay.

Moreover, I believe that conventional concept of success is rather shallow.

Don’t misunderstand me, as I have always said that writers and creators in general should never hesitate to want more. To aim for bigger goals. To chase big numbers in their earnings, followers, subscribers, and the people who they influence with their work.

But we must understand that the metric that we so blindly chase and so closely analyze is not your friend at the beginning of your journey.

And remember, it’s not final.

Image from freepik.com

When people don’t know who you are and what you stand for as a person, writer, creative, or entrepreneur, aim to infuse your writing with what can help others with their problems. And let quality and persistence do the work for you while you sit back and just focus on creating relatable, helpful, and high-quality content.

And let me point it out for you: it takes a considerable amount of quantity to unleash your full potential, both in writing and in life. It’s not a quality vs. quantity post, so let’s not go there, as I may write a separate article to put forth my take on that.

At the beginning of this creative journey, providing value should be your one goal, instead of obsessing over seeing massive three, four, five, or six-digit numbers in your metrics.

Your primary goal should be giving, not gaining.

It’s when you strive to give away value and provide others with solutions to potential hurdles in their lives with your stories, knowledge, and experience that you become a creator.

A promising writer.

As a creator, your primary goal is to simply create without worrying too much about the results, of course, in the beginning.

To create with love and passion in the hope of giving. The rest would be a bonus. A cherry on the cake.

To create with the aim of just that, the process should be your only reward. Especially when you are immersing yourself in the uncertainties and anticipations of this creator’s world. When you work to motivate, inspire, and invoke others to take the path of betterment in their lives.

So, no, despite getting only a handful of views right now, I’m not going to give up writing, and I will continue to hone my craft with practice, consistency, and my attempt to provide valuable content.

At least I can try, right? And so should you if your mind is dwelling on the question that the title of this story asks.

You already know your answer.

I know I’m not the best, but if you enjoyed my writing, would you like to buy me a coffee?👇

Help this student survive college!

Every bit of support coming my way means the world to me. No pressure! But if you can, please show your support with a tip. I don’t spend your $5 on some expensive ☕️ (I love coffee, but I’ve got to support myself first). P.S.: There are no Starbucks or McDonald’s in my town, so I can’t cheat. 😉



Rimi Creates

Each new adventure explored and every unfamiliar path walked becomes a source of inspiration in my writing.