How to prevent broken agreements !

Katarina Yusufova
3 min readDec 5, 2015


Hello guys! How are you doing ? Hope you are spending you holiday pretty well having rest before finals !

Today I am going to share with you my and David Allen’s ideas on how to present broken agreements and have no doubt on what you didn’t do, even if promised yourself to do it.

Everyone have been in such situations when you make a deal with yourself! Whether you promise yourselves to prepare for finals right before the last night or promise yourself to keep your diet, with his promises can happens one and the same problem -sometimes , unfortunately , we broke agreements with ourselves. Yes, it is unpleasant. But yes, that is the part of our lives.

As David Allan sees this situation and as I see it, there are inky three ways to prevent broken agreements or do deal with them. So let’s consider every option in details :

1.Do not make the agreement.

Be kind and understanding to yourself. Respect yourself and be fair. From my life example, the main thing is no understand that you will never run from yourself and there is no point Beijing agreements made to yourself. You can’t hide, you can’t just close your ears and don’t hear because that is your inner voice talking with you. Of problem of broken agreements happens with you too often, you can always try to negotiate with yourself and not to be so strict , if you now in advance that some risked and frames make you feel uncomfortable and under pressure.

2. Do not broke agreements-complete them.

It sounds great, but hard to implement on practice. Because completing agreements is like getting things done -if you lack of motivation , desire to do something , you will not get this thing done and broke the agreements with yourself. Thing that helped me is understanding and remembering how I feel after Beijing his or that agreement. For example , of you are Ina first and made an agreement with yourself and right now you want to eat cake before sleeping just remember how upset and dull you always feel after Beijing agreements with yourself and try to understand that eating cake lasts one minute , but that heavy burden of broking -close to forever.

3. Renegotiate an agreement.

Yes, you have to understand that life is not perfect so are you. And there are and will be period of moral and physical breakdown when you are close to broke agreements with yourself and feel loge doing anything. In such situations I wild advise you trying to negotiate with inner you and make some drawbacks to your rules , not to feel completely bad. It really may help.

Like any other person I faced dozen of situations when I had to confess- I broke and agreements and the blame is on me. Shame on me I understand. But life goes on and the main thing is ability to get up after failure and move on to new goals and dreams!

So get your things done, do not breake agreements and TRUST YOURSELF!

Xoxo, Katarina 💋



Katarina Yusufova

18 years old KBTU student🎓from Almaty🍎,Kazakhstan🇰🇿