Kabelo Visser
2 min readOct 2, 2023

Saying Thank You

Thank you. Two small words, yet they hold so much meaning. They can make a person feel appreciated, valued, and acknowledged. Knowing when to say thank you is important, and it’s a skill that everyone should master.

We all have people in our lives who deserve our gratitude. Whether it’s a coworker who helped you with a project, a friend who was there for you during a difficult time, or a family member who always supports you, expressing your appreciation can go a long way in strengthening your relationships.

Sometimes, we take people for granted and forget to show our appreciation. We assume that they know we’re grateful, but words are powerful and can make all the difference. When you say thank you, it shows that you’re aware of what they’ve done and that you don’t take it for granted.

It’s important to remember that there’s no such thing as saying thank you too often. Even for the little things, expressing gratitude can help build a culture of positivity and kindness. Saying thank you can even make you feel good too, and it can help you appreciate all the good things in your life.

So, when should you say thank you? The answer is simple – whenever someone does something kind or helpful for you. Whether it’s big or small, show your appreciation and let them know that they’ve made a difference in your life. A thank you note, a phone call, or a simple hug can go a long way in making someone feel valued and appreciated.

In conclusion, expressing gratitude is important, and saying thank you can make a significant impact on the people in your life. So, remember to acknowledge the kind gestures that others make and never underestimate the power of those two little words – thank you.



Kabelo Visser

Start Unknown and FINISH Unforgettable.