The Tarnished Mirror

Kabinga Charline Mazaba
3 min readAug 18, 2023


In every tarnished reflection lies a story waiting to gleam with rediscovered brilliance.

The mirror in your hallway, the one you pass every day, once gleamed with pristine clarity. But the dust settled over time, spots appeared, and its once-perfect reflection blurred. This tarnished mirror is not just a decorative piece in your home; it’s a metaphor for our lives, self-perceptions, and journey towards self-acceptance.

Throughout life, various experiences, words, and events act like the grime and dust that cloud our mirrors. Past failures, hurtful comments, societal pressures, or personal disappointments can stick with us. These experiences tarnish and distort the image we see, often leading us to view ourselves not as we truly are but as a culmination of these negative experiences and messages.

This distorted view can create feelings of inadequacy, doubt, and self-loathing. We may need to remember our achievements, worth, and inherent value, focusing only on the blemishes and blots that mar our reflection.

True beauty is not in perfection but in the courage to see beyond imperfections and embrace our genuine selves.

The Spark of Self-Awareness

However, as the first step in cleaning a real mirror is recognising its need, self-improvement begins with self-awareness. It involves peering intently into that metaphorical mirror, realising the grime and the potential for clarity underneath.

Self-awareness means understanding our strengths, weaknesses, passions, and fears. It’s about acknowledging the experiences that have shaped us without letting them define our entire identity.

To live fully is to accept oneself wholly; therein lies the essence of life’s purpose.

Setting Clear Intentions

With awareness comes intention. Just as you would gather cleaning supplies to restore a mirror’s shine, setting clear intentions arms you with the tools to rebuild your self-worth. Decide what self-love means to you. Is it about forgiving past mistakes? Seeking out positive environments and relationships? Or it’s about redefining personal success.

Setting an intention is more than just setting a goal. It’s about aligning your heart, mind, and soul with a vision of the self you aspire to be.

The Steps to Radiant Self-Love

Now comes the action — the actual polishing of the mirror. The journey of self-love is active and continuous. It might involve:

Positive Affirmations: Reminding yourself daily of your worth and potential.
Boundaries: Learning to say no, understanding it’s okay to prioritise your well-being.
Self-Care: Engaging in activities that rejuvenate your mind, body, and spirit.
Seeking Support: Talking to loved ones or seeking professional counselling.

Every swipe of the cloth, every gentle rub, removes a bit more of the tarnish. It’s a gradual process, but the reflection becomes more apparent and accurate daily.

From trauma to healing

Dive into the transformative journey from a shadowed reflection to radiant self-awareness in my upcoming book, ‘CONFRONT: Reclaiming Your Life Back’. Life’s path isn’t just a straight line; it winds with moments of brilliant clarity and lapses of doubt. Yet, with every step fueled by self-love, our true, invaluable selves come into sharper focus. Today, as you glance at your ‘tarnished mirror’, remember: every reflection promises a luminous tomorrow.



Kabinga Charline Mazaba

International Speaker 🎤 Change Facilitator🧬 Amazon #1 Best-Seller & Award Winning Author-C.O.N.F.R.O.N.T Reclaim Your Life https://www.facebook.