Karan A. Chanana- The Global Visionary of Amira Nature Foods Ltd.

3 min readNov 5, 2022


Powerful individuals driving the Indian rice business ahead are profiled in Rice of India. The 100-year-old rice business owned by Karan Chanana’s Family has been converted into a multinational food corporation bringing the flavour and scent of Indian basmati to tables worldwide.

In addition to having offices in Germany, India, Malaysia, Nigeria, Singapore, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), the UK or the United Kingdom, and the USA or the United States of America, the Amira brand was introduced in 2008 and is currently offered in more than forty nations worldwide. Amira is a recognized international food brand named a Global Growth Company by the World Economic Forum for the previous four years.

Under Chanana’s leadership, Amira will introduce their wonderful ready-to-eat line. Chanana has played a significant role in the invention of the worldwide rice market. The menu includes delectable and creative dishes like quinoa biryani and basmati, chia seed, and veggie pilaf that offer fresh and interesting ways for people to interact with and rediscover rice.

According to Karan A. Chanana, Chairman of Amira Nature Foods Ltd, basmati rice is a staple meal ingrained in culinary tradition and a major source of nutrition shared by people across many countries and all levels of society. He previously stated this opinion. Many prominent media sites have already interviewed Karan A. Chanana, an expert on the rice sector.

With such wide varieties to choose from and a rich history in the sourcing and provision of the finest Basmati rice, it is no wonder that Amira previously earned a trusted reputation amongst culinary experts worldwide.

Factors That Power His Growth

Chanana places a high value on charity and supports several CSR programs globally. Among them is Family Reach in the USA and Amira’s own CSR program, Ace Sports, which discovers and aids young, talented athletes in sports. Shweta Rana, a rising tennis star, is now being sponsored by Amira. Amira also collaborates with two influential Indian nonprofit organizations, Handicapped Children and Mothers’ Aid (HCWA) and Handicapped Children’s Rehabilitation Association (HCRA), to enhance the welfare of disabled women and children throughout India.

An expert in his field, Karan Chanana is a commentator on networks including Bloomberg TV, CNBC, and BBC World News. He frequently presents at conferences worldwide and serves on several international boards for business and agriculture.

Amira’s strategy involves vertical integration to reduce as much of our reliance on externalities as possible. Scaling up necessitates integration along the complete value chain, from farm to fork. Additionally, to create a truly global brand, the objective is to expand vertically and horizontally in terms of the sheer number of nations where Amira creates its imprints. To put it simply, he wants the Amira brand to be visible in more than 100 nations worldwide within the next three years.

Chanana’s Tips for Budding Entrepreneurs

His philosophy, “Every day is the first day of your life,” is the only advice he can provide. Therefore, whatever obstacles life hands you, accept them in stride and keep going forward since every day brings you a new chance just waiting to be discovered. So make the most of the day! On a more sobering note, “Always have a Plan B.” This indicates that you are willing to treat the market and the environment with the respect they merit, not that you have lost trust in your plan A.

