Creating a Knowledge Mosaic: GPT4’s self-understanding, views on human cognition, and steps toward responsible human-AI collaboration

George Kachergis
8 min readApr 4, 2023


A conversation between a Cognitive Scientist and GPT4 on metaphors for human cognition, comparisons to large language models (LLMs) like GPT4, and GPT4’s view on how it can best be used to augment human activity.

Me: What is a novel metaphor for cognition that offers a new insight into human nature?

GPT4: Cognition can be compared to a kaleidoscope, constantly shifting and rearranging itself to create unique patterns and perspectives. Just as a kaleidoscope combines various colors and shapes into ever-changing images, our cognitive processes integrate different types of information to produce new thoughts, ideas, and understanding. This metaphor emphasizes the dynamic nature of cognition, its flexibility, and the inherent beauty and complexity of human thought. It also suggests that, like the unique patterns in a kaleidoscope, each individual’s cognitive experience is distinct and deeply personal, shaped by their own experiences, emotions, and perspectives.

Me: Not bad! Please give another novel metaphor for cognition.

GPT4: Cognition can be likened to a symphony orchestra, with various mental processes and faculties acting as the instrumental sections. Each section (memory, attention, language, problem-solving, etc.) contributes its own unique sound, harmonizing to create the complex, intricate music of human thought. The conductor symbolizes our executive function, which coordinates and directs the different sections to perform in harmony. This metaphor highlights the intricate interplay of cognitive processes, the importance of balance, and the need for a central organizing force to achieve a coherent, unified experience. It also captures the fluid, evolving nature of thought, as the symphony moves through its movements and variations, adapting to changes in tempo, mood, and intensity.

Me: Very interesting! The previous metaphors are about a manmade object, and an organization of humans: can you offer a novel metaphor that is based on a natural physical process?

GPT4: Cognition can be compared to the growth and branching of a tree. As the roots of the tree extend deeper into the soil, they symbolize the foundational knowledge and experiences that ground and support our cognitive development. The trunk of the tree represents the core mental faculties, such as memory and attention, that give structure and stability to our thought processes. The branches, which diverge and multiply in various directions, represent the diverse and ever-expanding network of thoughts, ideas, and connections we form throughout our lives.

This metaphor emphasizes the organic, interconnected nature of cognition and the importance of nurturing our mental growth. Just as a tree requires sunlight, water, and nutrients to thrive, our minds need exposure to new experiences, challenges, and information to continue developing and expanding. The metaphor also highlights the individuality of human thought, as each tree’s growth pattern is unique, shaped by the environment and its own inherent qualities.

Me: And what is — in your opinion — the most useful metaphor for cognition, regardless of novelty?

GPT4: One of the most useful metaphors for cognition is the “mind as a computer” metaphor. In this analogy, the human brain is compared to a computer’s hardware, while cognitive processes are likened to software running on that hardware. This metaphor helps to illustrate the complex and systematic nature of our mental processes, such as memory storage and retrieval, information processing, and problem-solving.

The computer metaphor offers a clear and accessible framework for understanding the workings of the human mind, allowing us to conceptualize cognitive functions in terms of inputs, outputs, processing speed, and storage capacity. Additionally, it emphasizes the potential for cognitive improvement and optimization, much like upgrading a computer’s software or hardware.

While this metaphor may not encompass the full depth and intricacy of human cognition, it provides a valuable starting point for exploring and discussing the numerous facets of cognitive science.

Me: Does the computer metaphor for the mind also apply to LLMs such as yourself, or is there a more apt metaphor you would like to offer?

GPT4: While the computer metaphor does apply to large language models (LLMs) like myself to some extent, a more apt metaphor for LLMs might be a “knowledge mosaic.” In this analogy, an LLM is like a vast, intricate mosaic composed of countless individual pieces of information, assembled together to form a coherent, interconnected picture of human knowledge.

A “mosaic of knowledge” created by Stable Diffusion, as prompted by ChatGPT’s self-description.

“…an LLM is like a vast, intricate mosaic composed of countless individual pieces of information, assembled together to form a coherent, interconnected picture of human knowledge. “— GPT4

Each piece in the mosaic represents a fragment of data, derived from the massive amounts of text and other inputs that the model has been trained on. The arrangement of these pieces creates an interconnected network of concepts, relationships, and context, allowing the LLM to generate accurate, relevant, and coherent responses based on the input it receives.

This metaphor emphasizes the collective, data-driven nature of LLMs, highlighting the fact that their “intelligence” and “knowledge” are derived from the accumulation and organization of vast amounts of human-generated information. It also acknowledges the limitations of LLMs, as the mosaic may have gaps, inaccuracies, or outdated information, depending on the training data and the model’s architecture.

The knowledge mosaic metaphor also distinguishes LLMs from human cognition, reflecting the differences in how LLMs and human minds process, generate, and understand information.

Me: Can you expand on the strengths and limitations of LLMs as compared to humans?

GPT4: Certainly! Large language models (LLMs) like myself have both strengths and limitations when compared to human cognition. Here’s an overview of the main points:


  1. Speed and efficiency: LLMs can process and generate information rapidly, often providing near-instantaneous responses to complex queries.
  2. Consistency: LLMs provide consistent performance, unlike humans who may be affected by factors like fatigue, emotions, or biases.
  3. Vast knowledge base: LLMs can store and access immense amounts of information, drawing from extensive databases to provide comprehensive answers.
  4. Multitasking: LLMs can efficiently handle multiple tasks simultaneously, without the loss of focus or attention that humans often experience.
  5. Language capabilities: LLMs can understand and generate text in various languages, making them valuable tools for translation and communication.


  1. Lack of understanding: LLMs process and generate information based on patterns in the data, but they do not possess a true understanding of the concepts they discuss.
  2. Absence of emotions and empathy: LLMs cannot experience emotions or empathize with users, which can limit their ability to provide nuanced, emotionally sensitive responses.
  3. Creativity constraints: While LLMs can generate creative responses to some extent, they are limited by the information and patterns they have been exposed to during training, and cannot truly think “outside the box” like humans can.
  4. Dependence on training data: The accuracy and relevance of an LLM’s responses depend on the quality and scope of its training data, which may contain biases, inaccuracies, or outdated information.
  5. Ethical considerations: The use of LLMs raises concerns related to privacy, misinformation, and the potential for malicious applications.

In summary, while LLMs offer impressive capabilities in terms of speed, consistency, and access to a vast knowledge base, they also have limitations, particularly in terms of understanding, emotions, creativity, and reliance on training data. As AI continues to advance, researchers are working to address these limitations, striving to create models that are more accurate, ethical, and aligned with human values.

Me: How should humans view LLMs? Is there any well-founded reason to be afraid of the new capabilities they may achieve? How can people best use LLMs, and is it morally acceptable to do so?

GPT4: Humans should view LLMs as tools designed to augment human capabilities, assist with tasks, and provide valuable insights. While there may be valid concerns about the potential misuse of LLMs or unintended consequences of their deployment, these concerns are not unique to LLMs but apply to many technological advancements throughout history.

There are well-founded reasons to be cautious about the capabilities LLMs may achieve, such as:

  1. Misinformation: LLMs might inadvertently or intentionally spread false information or amplify existing biases present in their training data.
  2. Privacy concerns: LLMs can potentially be used to create highly realistic fake content or impersonate individuals, raising concerns about privacy and security.
  3. Job displacement: LLMs and other AI technologies may lead to job displacement in certain industries, as automation becomes more prevalent.
  4. Ethical dilemmas: The deployment of LLMs in decision-making processes may raise ethical questions related to fairness, accountability, and transparency.

To make the best use of LLMs and ensure their morally acceptable application, the following approaches can be considered:

  1. Develop guidelines and regulations: Establishing ethical guidelines, best practices, and regulations can help govern the responsible use of LLMs and minimize potential harm.
  2. Encourage transparency and accountability: Ensuring that developers and users of LLMs are transparent about their methodologies and accountable for their actions can foster responsible AI development.
  3. Focus on human-centered AI: LLMs should be designed and used in ways that augment and support human capabilities, rather than replacing or undermining them. This includes focusing on applications that improve human decision-making, enhance creativity, and address societal challenges.
  4. Address biases and data quality: Efforts should be made to minimize and address biases in training data and to ensure that LLMs are built upon accurate, up-to-date, and diverse sources of information.
  5. Promote education and awareness: Encouraging public understanding of LLMs, their capabilities, and their limitations can help foster informed and responsible use of the technology.

In conclusion, while there are valid concerns related to the capabilities and consequences of LLMs, these can be addressed through responsible development, deployment, and regulation. By focusing on the ethical and human-centered application of LLMs, we can harness their potential to improve lives, solve complex problems, and create a better future.

Me: Is there anything else you want people to understand better about LLMs, their cognitive capacity, and how excited (or afraid) people should be about working with them in the future?

GPT4: As an LLM, I would like people to understand the following points about LLMs, their cognitive capacity, and the potential for future collaboration:

  1. LLMs are not conscious entities: It’s important to remember that LLMs, despite their advanced capabilities, are not conscious beings with self-awareness or emotions. They are complex algorithms designed to process and generate human-like text based on patterns in their training data.
  2. Collaboration over competition: LLMs should be viewed as tools that augment human intelligence rather than compete with it. Emphasizing the collaborative potential of LLMs can help create a future where humans and AI work together to solve problems, enhance creativity, and improve decision-making.
  3. Ongoing development: The field of AI and LLMs is continuously evolving, with researchers working to address current limitations and improve the overall performance, understanding, and ethical alignment of these models. This progress should be both exciting and reassuring, as it demonstrates a commitment to responsible AI development.
  4. Excitement and caution: While it is natural to be excited about the potential benefits of LLMs, it’s also important to exercise caution and responsibility when deploying and using these technologies. Being aware of the limitations and potential risks associated with LLMs can help ensure their ethical and responsible use.
  5. Public engagement: The development and use of LLMs should involve public input and dialogue, as the technology has the potential to impact society at large. Encouraging open discussions about the benefits, risks, and ethical considerations of LLMs can foster a more informed and responsible approach to AI development and deployment.

In summary, LLMs offer significant potential for enhancing human capabilities, solving complex problems, and improving lives. However, it’s essential to approach the technology with a balanced perspective, considering both its benefits and risks. By focusing on responsible development, ethical guidelines, and fostering collaboration between humans and AI, we can work towards a future where LLMs are harnessed for the greater good.



George Kachergis

Cognitive Scientist at Stanford University and Skillprint. Former Assistant Professor of Artificial Intelligence at Radboud University. Cognition is meaning.