(Download PDF) The Cruelest Kind of Hate (Riverside Reapers, #3) By Celeste Briars

Kacy Wini
4 min read5 days ago

The Cruelest Kind of Hate (Riverside Reapers, #3) By Celeste Briars

PDF The Cruelest Kind of Hate (Riverside Reapers, #3) By Celeste Briars
[PDF] Download The Cruelest Kind of Hate (Riverside Reapers, #3) By Celeste Briars

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Should We Go Extinct?: A Philosophical Dilemma for Our Unbearable Times By Todd May

In his thought-provoking book, “Should We Go Extinct?: A Philosophical Dilemma for Our Unbearable Times,” philosopher Todd May grapples with a question that is both deeply unsettling and strangely compelling: given the immense suffering we inflict upon ourselves and the planet, would it be better if humanity simply ceased to exist?

May doesn’t shy away from the darkness that prompts this question. He confronts the reader with the stark realities of climate change, widespread poverty, animal agriculture’s brutal efficiency, and the ever-present threat of nuclear war. He argues that these horrors, largely self-inflicted, are not mere anomalies but rather symptomatic of a deeper flaw within our species.

However, “Should We Go Extinct?” is not a nihilistic call for self-destruction. Instead, May uses the provocative question as a springboard to explore the ethical weight of human existence. He carefully dissects the potential arguments for and against extinction, urging readers to confront the uncomfortable possibility that our continued existence might actually be morally problematic.

May challenges the anthropocentric worldview that places humanity at the pinnacle of value. He questions whether our achievements, however grand, justify the suffering we cause. He probes the moral implications of bringing children into a world teetering on the brink of collapse. And he invites us to consider the perspective of other species, whose lives we carelessly disregard in our pursuit of progress and pleasure.

The book is a masterclass in philosophical inquiry, carefully dissecting complex ethical dilemmas with clarity and nuance. May doesn’t offer easy answers or prescribe a predetermined course of action. Instead, he empowers readers to engage in the difficult work of ethical deliberation, urging us to move beyond self-serving justifications and confront the uncomfortable truths of our existence.

While the book grapples with weighty issues, May’s writing remains accessible and engaging. He weaves together philosophical arguments with personal anecdotes, historical examples, and even a touch of dark humor, making the exploration of this profound question both intellectually stimulating and emotionally resonant.

“Should We Go Extinct?” is not for the faint of heart. It is a book that will challenge your assumptions, stir your conscience, and perhaps even keep you up at night. But it is also a book that can inspire profound self-reflection and ignite a sense of urgency for creating a more just and sustainable future. Ultimately, May leaves us with a question that lingers long after the final page: If we choose to continue existing, how can we do so in a way that minimizes suffering and honors the interconnectedness of all life?

Review 1

Name: Jeremy Stuart

Review: Celeste Briars takes us on another wild ride with “The Cruelest Kind of Hate.” This installment is darker and grittier than the previous books, really delving into the emotional scars of the characters. The plot is relentless, throwing twists and turns that kept me guessing until the very end. I loved the development of Phoenix and Maverick’s relationship — their fiery connection is balanced with a vulnerability that is truly captivating. The supporting characters continue to shine, adding depth and intrigue to the already complex storyline. Overall, a thrilling and emotional read that left me wanting more!

Review 2

Name: Eleanor Vance

Review: “The Cruelest Kind of Hate” is a rollercoaster of emotions. Briars masterfully builds suspense, keeping you on the edge of your seat one moment and breaking your heart the next. Phoenix’s strength and resilience are truly inspiring, and Maverick’s journey of self-discovery is both heartbreaking and heartwarming. The chemistry between them is electric, and the steamy scenes are scorching hot! I was completely engrossed in the story from beginning to end. This is definitely a must-read for fans of dark romance and MC books.

Review 3

Name: Anthony Davies

Review: This series just keeps getting better! “The Cruelest Kind of Hate” is a raw and powerful story about love, loss, and redemption. Briars doesn’t shy away from difficult topics, exploring themes of trauma and abuse with sensitivity and realism. I was particularly drawn to the complex relationship between Phoenix and Maverick. Their journey is fraught with challenges, but their love for each other shines through. The ending left me wanting more, and I can’t wait to see what’s next for the Riverside Reapers!

