CRYPTOCURRENCY BACKED BY REAL ESTATE 100% A Peer-to-peer lending service that works with Cryptocurrency HLCoin secured by real estate

3 min readNov 19, 2017


  1. 6 billion people do not have thier own housing.
    We are the 1st Blockchain credit Bureau, where every man can buy a house.

- Fails minimum requirements.
-A negative credit history or no credit history.
- High credit load.
- Low level of income. Fraud.
- Debt to administrative or criminal liability.
Banks are reluctant to communicate with foreign clients, citing the high level of risk. One of the main reasons to provide you with a mortgage, is a confidential letter from the world’s largest Bank, which you should position as paying customers.

is a platform for investment in loans secured by real estate around the world, built on the basis of the Ethereum platform. Token HLCoin platforms will be provided with the real estate objects and will be traded at crypto exchanges. HOME LOANS platform uses complex algorithms to predict creditworthiness of all customers and in just 20 minutes a borrower can get their very first the first loan to purchase real estate in his/her life just from their smartphone.
All customers have an ability to pay less interest and have a higher credit rating, if they use our platform more often. All aggregated Big Data and Credit Histories are stored on the Blockchain. Thousands of investors have access to millions of new customers that we bring into the world economy and millions of people will have the opportunity to purchase a property anywhere in the world.


  1. System earnings of the borrowers for loan repayment: Mobile application HOME LOANS, uniting contractors-in-one the product will motivate borrowers to buy goods and services from partner companies, due to the CashBack and reward system in the form of currency HLCoin, which the borrower will repay the loan
  2. HOME LOANS are easily available financial platform, which Investors from around the world will be able to convert their savings into HLCoin, to be able to increase revenues from loans secured by real estate, sale and purchase of real estate and to protect their incomes from inflation. 100% return on investment in case of loan default the Guarantee Fund. The property remains on the balance sheet of the HOME LOANS or investors

We started as a company in 2011 to focus on real estate transactions and loans secured by real estate in 2013, aimed at providing optimal solutions to its customers. To improve the professional level in the field of real estate sales and mortgage lending each year, our employees trained, as evidenced by the corresponding certificates.

Every year our organization participates in all forums, which take place in the framework of mortgage lending. Our partners such giants as Sberbank, VTB 24, Gazprombank, URALSIB.

For programming this platform, we have attracted programmers and experts on smart contracts. Also in the process of developing and running we will attract specialists from the blockchain.

