France’s Outlook for Europe Based on President Macron’s Address; Stepping Up Amid Global Challenges

Sevinc Kader I Citizen K
3 min readMay 1, 2024


During his speech at Sorbonne University on April 25, 2024, French President Emmanuel Macron highlighted the importance of Europe enhancing its defense capabilities. Pointing out concerns over ‘Russian aggression’ and the ‘serious threats posed by global challenges,’ Macron characterized Europe as ‘vulnerable’ and stressed that its survival hinges on the strategic decisions made by its leaders.

President Macron revisited themes from his 2017 speech in light of recent events such as Brexit, the COVID 19 pandemic and Russia’s actions in Ukraine. Asserting that the European Union (EU) is currently underequipped and exposed, Macron urged for the implementation of a ‘credible’ European defense strategy aimed at achieving greater independence from the United States.
Key Points from Macron’s Speech;

Emphasis on European Independence; Macron highlighted the significance of Europe maintaining autonomy and not being overly reliant on the US, advocating for a self sufficient approach to defense and economic matters.

Focus on Defense and Security; The French President called for increased investments in the European defense sector and emphasized the importance of enhancing Europe’s military capabilities, including cyber defense and security measures.

Critique of Trade Policies; Macron raised concerns about existing global trade regulations, specifically noting non compliance by major players like China and the US. He strongly urged a reassessment of EU trade policies to safeguard and advance European interests.

Proposal for European Defense Fund; He suggested establishing a European fund to support defense initiatives and recommended prioritizing European suppliers in military procurement processes.

President Macron’s rallying cry highlights the urgency for Europe to redefine its role internationally, bolstering its defense capabilities and strategic autonomy.

Diverging Views Between Berlin and Paris Regarding European Defense Initiatives

It is worth noting that differences in opinions between Paris and Berlin regarding the structure of European defense align with themes addressed in Macron’s speech.
The establishment of Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO), spearheaded by Berlin and Paris, aimed to enhance the defense capabilities of the EU by collaborating on joint projects in areas like troop movement, cyber defense and ground warfare. Despite this ambitious beginning, the initiative has faced notable challenges. A major issue was the differing strategic outlooks between Germany and France, particularly concerning EU defense strategies. France advocated for increased integration within the bloc’s defense industry, pushing for a more centralized European military strategy. On the other hand, Germany leaned towards a more inclusive approach that welcomed collaboration with third countries, reflecting varying priorities that hindered progress. These strategic disparities were further complicated by operational inefficiencies within PESCO itself. While intended to promote defense cooperation, the initiative faces obstacles due to intricate administrative processes. Additionally, extensive updates and lengthy documentation requirements — some spanning up to 50 pages — have made the process cumbersome and sluggish. The limited involvement of the defense industry in PESCO projects also leads to discrepancies with EU funded industrial initiatives under the European Defence Fund (EDF), posing challenges in aligning these projects with broader EU goals.
Both Berlin and Paris are aware of these issues and suggest improving processes by standardizing project management and giving the PESCO Secretariat a more significant role to address strategic gaps and enhance the efficiency of European defense cooperation. An ongoing reform negotiation in this direction is taking place between Paris and Berlin.

The Political Landscape in France Regarding Macron’s Speech

Macron’s ambitious proposal for a revamped European defense strategy comes amid a challenging political environment for his party. As the European Parliament elections on 9 June approach, opinion polls indicate that Macron’s centrist coalition is losing ground, trailing significantly behind Marine Le Pen’s far right Rally National (RN). Current estimates suggest that Macron’s coalition has support in the tens of percent, contrasting sharply with RN’s 30 percent, while the Socialists are closely competing for second place. This political backdrop unfolds as the EU outlines its strategic priorities for 2024 2029, adding layers of complexity to Macron’s advocacy for a united and resilient Europe.

Sevinc Kader

Senior Public Affairs & European Union Strategist




Sevinc Kader I Citizen K

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