Encapsulation in JavaScript: IIFE and Revealing Module Pattern

Kadir Yavuz
2 min readAug 11, 2021


Encapsulation is about packing the data with the functions that allow to operate on that data. It’s fundamental to the OOP (object-oriented programming) and used with object-oriented languages like Java or C# in order to hide or limit the access/ usage of your structured object so you can control the state of it.

Well, JavaScript is not an object-oriented language but we want to work around the good parts of OOP, so we can apply encapsulation to a structured instance with a commonly used practice with IIFE (immediately-invoked function expression) and revealing module pattern.


An immediately-invoked function expression is basically a function within a lexical scope but you combine it with a function expression () so JavaScript engine directly interprets the function when it’s defined and inner statements are not accessible from outside.

(function(){var myStore = [“Apple”, "Banana", "Mango", "Orange"]})();console.log("myStore is", myStore); 
// returns error: ReferenceError: myStore is not defined

You can only access to its inner statement by assigning your IIFE’s return value to a variable:

const store = (function () {var myStore = [“Apple”, “Banana”, “Mango”, “Orange”];return myStore;})();console.log(“myStore is”, store);
//myStore is [ 'Apple', 'Banana', 'Mango', 'Orange' ]

Since we aim to apply an encapsulation concept, let’s just consider an improved version of this store sample with the basic functions that we may have in a real-life like sample.

Revealing Module Pattern

Modules are most commonly used design patterns in JavaScript. It provides loose-coupling in order to have a well-structured code. Since IIFE provides private scope statements, when we use it with this pattern, we’ll have a well-designed encapsulated objects.

You can see how I designed the code above with this pattern:

const store = (() => {
* private members => only private to constructor function scope

const _store = ["Apple", "Banana", "Mango", "Orange"];
const _print = (data) => {
console.log("Inventory: ", data.toString());
* public members

return {
getInventory: () => _print(_store),
store.getInventory();Returns Inventory: Apple,Banana,Mango,Orange

Note: I also use arrow function expression

Let’s modify it more:

const store = (() => {
* private members => only private to constructor function scope

const _store = ["Apple", "Banana", "Mango", "Orange"];
const _print = (data) => {
console.log("Inventory: ", data.toString());
const _addOne = (item) => {
* public members

return {
getInventory: () => _print(_store),
addInventory: (item) => _addOne(item),
Returns Inventory: Apple,Banana,Mango,Orange,Cherry

… and check how store function is actually exposed:

console.log("Store: ", store);Returns
Store: {
getInventory: [Function: getInventory],
addInventory: [Function: addInventory]

RMP is enabling store IIFE to successfully encapsulate its private members or state and only allows public members to access or operate on state.

Thank your for reading!



Kadir Yavuz

Software Developer, MSc in Management of Information Systems