Redefining fear one step at a time.Travel, wanderlust, exploration, etc are the hyped-up words we keep coming across in this world of Instagram reels and youtube shots. Such…Jan 10, 20221Jan 10, 20221
Break F.Here I’m, sitting by the window on a Monday afternoon. It is said to be the holiday season of the year. Is it just me, or am I not being…Dec 27, 2021Dec 27, 2021
No, I don’t want to go to the physical world.This is a very weird feeling, you know. Going from ‘How excited am Ito start college’ to wondering ‘Am I really ready to face this in the…Sep 16, 2020Sep 16, 2020
One salwar among a 1000 blazersAs I came back from a three-day-long interview trip, tired and half-dead, a thought suddenly popped up in my mind: Why not document this…Apr 7, 2020Apr 7, 2020
Competing with RealityAs school/college students, i’m pretty sure all of us took part in competitions. Did we really like them? I don’t remember if I did. I…Jul 12, 2019Jul 12, 2019
What do i know?I open this page up. It says, “Start writing”. Human mind is a marvelous creation, really. My mind suddenly asks me, do you even know how…Feb 9, 20191Feb 9, 20191