“The Future of 3D Modelling: Predictions and Trends for the Industry”

5 min readJan 20, 2023


As the world becomes increasingly digital, the demand for 3D content is only expected to grow. From video games and movies to product design and architecture, 3D modelling is a crucial tool for creating immersive and realistic experiences. But what does the future hold for the industry? In this blog post, we’ll take a look at some of the key trends and predict what the future holds for 3D modelling.

1. Increased use of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR)

One of the biggest trends in the 3D modelling industry is the use of virtual and augmented reality (VR and AR) technology. As these technologies continue to mature, they are becoming more accessible, affordable, and they are expected to drive significant growth in the demand for 3D content. VR and AR applications in gaming, entertainment, and education are just the tip of the iceberg. With VR and AR, designers can create immersive, interactive 3D environments, which allow for better collaboration. Companies such as Gravity Sketch are already allowing customers to “express their ideas in real-time, at any scale… using a wide variety of digital tools in Virtual Reality”.

This technology is expected to become even more prevalent in the future, as it will allow for more efficient design processes and improved communication between designers and clients.

2. Advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML)

Another trend that is expected to shape the future of 3D modelling is the use of AI and machine learning. With these technologies, 3D models can be generated faster, making 3D pipelines more efficient and allowing artists to focus on the most creative bits. AI and machine learning can also be used to analyse and optimise 3D models, which can improve the accuracy and efficiency of the design process. Companies such as Kaedim are already allowing users to upload input art and generate a 3D model to use as a starting point within minutes, through the use of ML algorithms. Additionally, companies such as G3DAI & Dreamfusion are working on AI-generated 3D models from text prompts.

3. Greater use of 3D modelling in various industries

3D modelling is already used in a variety of industries, including gaming, architecture, engineering, and product design. All fingers point that is expected to become more prevalent in other industries as well. For example, in the medical field, 3D modelling can be used to create accurate simulations of medical procedures, which can improve patient outcomes.

In the gaming industry, 3D modelling can be used to create more realistic and immersive virtual worlds. Currently, gaming is the biggest industry in entertainment and this is only expected to intensify. In the future, as young people grow up with more and more involvement in digital worlds, we will see increasing interaction with gaming metaverses. As a result, the introduction of 3D User-Generated Content will give users the power to populate and contribute to metaverse worlds with assets and characters.

Another trend to watch is the increasing use of 3D modelling in the film and television industry. In the past, it has been primarily used for special effects, but now it’s being used to create entire worlds and characters. This trend is expected to continue as the technology becomes more advanced and cost-effective.

Additionally, the rise of 3D printing is also expected to have a major impact on the 3D modelling industry. As 3D printing becomes more widespread and sophisticated, it will likely create new opportunities for 3D modellers to design and create custom products and prototypes.

4. Greater focus on sustainability

With the growing awareness of the importance of sustainability, it is expected that the 3D modelling industry will focus more on creating models that are environmentally friendly. This can include designing models that use renewable energy sources or creating models that are made from sustainable materials. Additionally, 3D modelling can be used to create models that are more energy-efficient and reduce waste, which can help to reduce the environmental impact of the design process.

The future of 3D modelling is expected to be shaped by advancements in technology and an increasing demand in various industries. With the use of VR and AR, AI and machine learning, and a focus on sustainability, the field is expected to see significant growth in the coming years. These trends will lead to more efficient and accurate design processes, greater collaboration between designers and clients, and a greater focus on efficiency.

Of course, these are just predictions for the future of 3D modelling based on current trends. The industry is constantly evolving, and it’s difficult to predict exactly where it will go. But one thing is certain: 3D modelling will continue to be an important and in-demand skill for years to come. Whether you’re a professional 3D modeller or just curious about the direction of the industry, it’s worth keeping an eye on these trends and considering how they might affect your career or business.

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