A little about me…

Kafui Venu
1 min readDec 31, 2021


Photo by Alessandro Erbetta on Unsplash

Hello world, my name is Kafui Venu. I am a full-stack software developer with years of experience in Javascript, React/React native/Vue, Golang, PHP, and Solidity.

I got introduced to the Blockchain space early in 2016, and since then I have constantly been in and out of that industry.

While I did build a few projects in the Blockchain industry, most of them were for fun and learning purposes. I did achieve some success, but not on a really large scale.

However, during this time, I did learn a lot about blockchain technology and movement — invaluable skills.

Vision and the future

For now, my focus is on two Blockchains:

EtherGem is a new blockchain I recently discovered. I like the technology and the thriving community. Building on these two platforms will allow me to share experiences and resources.

If you are interested in blockchain technology or just following my work, I would highly recommend you check out eGem. I believe it is a hidden gem.

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