A letter to 5-year old me

2 min readDec 28, 2022

Hello dear, its me …ahh i mean it’s you. Yeah it’s you.

I know currently my little version is doing good in life, wait your life has not been started yet😁, am i right?? Of course, so you little girl, you always wanted to reach your adult phase , yeah although I have seen you secretly mimicking your mom in the mirror wearing her clothes in which you dive.

But let me tell you or warn you it’s not that easy or I should say its not at all easy and simple, as you are thinking now. It’s damn difficult and different.

Ahh…you can’t ignore me or yourself. It’s the reality!!! Do you even know what being adult looks like?? Turning to 22 year old lady comes up along many drawbacks like —

Things will change as the time passes, you would come across various life lessons.

Unlike today, people will judge you for your looks, for how you speak, laugh, dress etc.

You are an attention seeker in your house but poor darling, no body will give you that importance and love once you become adult as you would be expected to be a mature lady who must be busy carrying responsibilities by others.

No limitations are now built for you, but just for a period of time. Time will fly and you would be given a list in your hand that contains rules and limitations. Rules like, not to step out at night, no regular parties, need to be well dressed, speak less , speak in soft tones, and doing everything properly.

I know last night you broke the glass, also you don’t stop and often create such mess with time and it all ends up with no taunts but a little scold which you now think as disaster. In future you won’t get scold , don’t be happy, it’s worse, taunts. Girl, such mess in adult phase can lead you to listen some unpleasant taunts like —

“ sasural me jakar naak katwaogi, kahenge kuch sikhaya niii maa ne"

Yes dear, your day will start and night will end with people suggesting you hard to be Miss Perfect to become Mrs. Perfect.

I have often seen your hands holding toys will be then replaced by Belan.

Do you still wanna reach adulthood early

Infact your choices will no more matter for anyone as present. Your opinions, advice, thoughts, wishes, desire will be put in a pink box that will remain unopened throughout your life.

Scary and weird, right?? Hmm, but it’s true. So, don’t think of reaching 22, instead enjoy your days, this is your period , who knows when you will be put in a golden cage.




a dream- pursuing student, landed up here for writing her thoughts and attractive stories to become a professional writer. JOIN- 2022