Appendix — blatant and partially Anti-Semitic statements

Moshe Kahn
3 min readJun 12, 2017


This is an appendix to my article “What’s the deal with Anti-Semites,” about arguing with Anti-Semites on YouTube.

Here are some of the things they were saying that for the average Jew would be considered “fishy” or worse:

1) Conspiracy theories

  • The communist revolution was a Jewish plot to get back at the Russians who had oppressed them, or to take over the world.
  • Jews control the world bank and finances in order to enrich themselves and keep non-Jews in debt.
  • All wars were instigated by the Jews. From both world wars, up until the present day, including every single war wracking the Middle East.
  • The globalist Jews are opening the borders of the West and flooding it with immigrants, worst of all Muslims, in order to destroy Western civilization.
  • Present day Jews are impostors. They’re the descendants of the Khazars, or the children of Satan, or just Westerners that were part of the Zionist conspiracy. Real Jews were black because they were from Ethiopia, or they were killed off at some point in history.

2) Jews deserve what comes their way.

  • Of course non-Jews are going to murder Jews if Jews are infiltrating their societies in order to destroy them, what else would you expect to happen? Inquisition, Crusades, Pogroms, Holocaust… all understandable as reactions to Jewish behavior. Only the blood libels were unjustified. Strange.

3) Quoting passages from the Bible, the Talmud, or modern Rabbis.

  • A lot of the quotes are taken out of context, mistranslated, or simply made up. “All white non-Jewish women and children deserve to burn said Rabbi Levvitt.” Who is Rabbi Levvitt? Who knows. And even the stuff they quote that is accurate is misleading. Texts from 2,000 years ago will say strange things by today’s standards; shouldn’t what matter be what Jews are doing with those texts today?

4) Characterizing Jews as a monolith.

  • Lumping together different types of Jews (Secular vs. Religious, Zionist vs. Anti-Zionist, Left wing vs. Right wing, etc.) when it’s convenient, and differentiating between them when that’s more convenient. Odd how people can do both of these things simultaneously when referring to the same phenomenon. For example, saying simultaneously that i) Israel is an evil ethno-theocracy and the government is motivated by the religious texts to be racist against non-Jews ii) Zionists are secular atheistic bastard Jews and don’t have legitimacy to represent Jews because many Orthodox Jews are against them.
  • Conceiving of Jews as simply a religion, rather than an odd multifaceted ethnicity/culture/tradition/religion.
  • Ignoring Jews of non-European origin, such as Jews from Arab and Muslim countries, African countries, Asian countries, etc.

5) The question of Jewish Supremacy

  • Jews are racists for thinking they are superior and chosen. Ignoring that being “chosen” is a religious concept, and since 80% of Jews are not religious the only thing they think they’re chosen for is to suffer. The question of what it means for Jews to consider themselves special or chosen by God is a complex matter that Jews have been discussing for centuries. Either way it doesn’t justify their slaughter. Ironically, the people complaining about Jews thinking they’re special would simultaneously portray their own kind as special and superior, whether they were Atheists, Pagans, Muslims, or Christians. I have a lot more to say on this particular issue; perhaps that will be the topic of my next article.



Moshe Kahn

I think about society, religion, technology, philosophy, art. Sometimes I capture my thoughts in articles, essays, and short fiction. More at