Why do we need storytellers? How Flickto is incubating the next generation of storytellers?

3 min readMar 23, 2022


Photo by Jakayla Toney on Unsplash

Humanity has always learned through storytelling, well before Insta reels or Tik Tok, probably before we could even speak and where we explained through being animated or cave drawings!

If we levitate towards big brands or great orators or are drawn to a great movie or series or book, it fundamentally comes down to the story that is weaved and how it is presented.

If we had no stories, we’d have no news, no culture, no heritage, no history, no entertainment and certainly no need for Instagram or Tik Tik or Snapchat.

So in a world that is so fast-paced where everyone is telling stories of some kind or fashion, you may even ask why we need storytellers?

Well… Imagine a world without them. What would we do, where would we turn? The race is on at the moment to produce and provide content, be it a newspaper, an OTT platform, or a Youtube channel, because we live in an era of instant gratification, where consumers want everything immediately.

When was the last time you watched an entire AD? Exactly!

With more and more people having access to the internet, to phones to devices — the hunger for content and stories has never been greater and no sooner are we done from watching or reading or listening to one than we are ready for the next.

Flickto perhaps would never have been born had it not been for a glaring hole, an opportunity that became apparent the more we looked into who held the power button.

Imagine being a content creator or a storyteller. Still, not having your story heard, simply because it didn’t fit a formula, because you didn’t have the expertise or because the ROI was unlikely, the risk was too much, and you did not have the funds to self-fund.

This is not as far-fetched as it may seem… Flickto has spoken with and heard thousands of stories of content creators, storytellers who are marginalised for this exact reason who have amazing stories but no way of getting them heard.

It became our mission to give them a voice, to produce more diverse content and change the narrative. If we were to continue consuming what Hollywood alone has monopolised, it would not be a true reflection of society at large; we would miss out on so much more content and stories simply because we stood by and did nothing.

With a dream to Decentralise Media, we invite all storytellers, be it through movies, documentaries, shorts or features, games or music, to submit their projects. Flickto will democratise the process by allowing consumers to vote. If you want it made, we will fund it, and if you choose to vote using the utility of the $FLICK token, you facilitate getting the story heard and benefit from the Royalties as any production house would.

Flickto is Decentralising Media; we are a production house on the Blockchain, we are here to get your story told.

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Opening up the belief of what is possible. Unapologetically me.