Change iPhone charging sound by using Apple Shortcuts app

iOS 14

4 min readSep 24, 2020

There’re many different ways to change iPhone charging sound by using Apple Shortcuts app. Here I’m going to use Base64 code method. It’s not the easiest way but it has less latency. The response time is incredible. Let’s go get it:

Look for the Shortcuts app on your iPhone and open it:

Press the button “+”:

Press “Add Action”:

Search for “text” and then press it:

Press the button “+”:

Search for “64” and then press “Base64 Encode”:

Press “Encode”:

Select “Decode”:

Make sure it’s now “Decode” and then press the button “+”:

Search for “play sound” and press it:

Paste Base64 code to the TEXT:

(the link below is to my other article that shows you how to convert sounds from your favorite video to Base64 code)

Test the sound and then press “Next”:

Give a name to the shortcut you just made and then press “Done”:

Your new shortcut now is shown on the first page and we are going to link it to the charging sound by creating an automation script:

Press “Create Personal Automation”:

Look for “Charger” and then press it:

Select “Is Connected” and then press “Next”:

Press “Add Action”:

Search for “run shortcut” and then press it:

Press “Shortcut”:

Choose the shortcut you created at the beginning:

Test the sound:

Press “Next”:

Turn off “Ask Before Running”:

Press “Don’t Ask”:

Press “Done”:

