Let’s Disscuss Details in Vitamins.

Kaif Ladji
5 min readSep 16, 2021


What is vitamins?

  • Vitamin is an carbonic compound which is very important for our body for metabolism
  • Our body doesn’t make vitamins with itself that’s why we have to absorb as much as vitamins from body
  • Vitamin D and Vitamin K are made by our body

Classification of vitamins.

There are 13 different types of vitamins which our body needs.

Vitamin A:

  • chemical name of vitamin A is retinol this vitamin is fat soluble.
  • Functions :it provide power to our bone and muscle it make balance of calcium in our body
  • It also keep our hairs healthy
  • Deficiency of vitamins: it may occur eye disease
  • Sources: milk, egg ,paneer and vegetable.

Vitamin B:

We can distribute vitamin B in different types like Vitamin B1 B2 B3 B5 B6 B7 B9 and B12

Vitamin B1:

  • chemical name of Vitamin B1 is Thaimine
  • Functions: it helps to develop brain.
  • Defecency: due to deficiency of Vitamin B Berry Berry disease may occur cause by poor diest Or alcoholism.
  • Source: sunflower ,potato, orange, egg and Grains.

Vitamin B2:

  • Chemical name of vitamin B2 is riboflavin
  • Function of Vitamin B2 is it work as to make our skin healthy.
  • Due to deficiency of Vitamin B2 brushing of skin,brushing of tongue, raddesh eyes may occur.
  • Sources: banana, milk ,curd, meat egg fish, green peas.

Vitamin B3:

  • Chemical name of vitamin B3 is niacin it is soluble in water.
  • Function of vitamin B3 is to control the blood pressure and make helps to reduce the headache.
  • Due to the deficiency in vitamin B3 whitening of hairs, being retarded May occur.
  • Source: dates, milk, egg, tomato, carrot glosbe.

Vitamin B5:

  • Chemical name of vitamin B5 is Panthothenic acid it is soluble in water.
  • The function of vitamin B5 is to keep our hairs healthy and protect from White hairs due to this stress level also decrease.
  • Due to deficiency in vitamin B5 Palegra and 4D syndrome may occur.
  • Sources: meat, potato ,tomato ,green, vegetables, glosbe.

Vitamin B6:

  • The chemical name of vitamin B6 is pyridoxine it is soluble in water.
  • The function of Vitamin B6 it will reduce tiredness in morning and give relief from stress and andriya.
  • Due to deficiency in Vitamin B6 anaemia and skin diseases may occur.
  • Sources: meat ,banana ,vegetable, food.

Vitamin B7:

  • Chemical name of vitamin B7 is biotin it is soluble in water.
  • The function of Vitamin B7 is important for hair and skin growth.
  • Due to the deficiency in vitamin B7 paralysis, pain body, hair fall and dermatitis may occur.
  • Sources: meat ,milk egg yolk, vegetables.

Vitamin B9:

  • Chemical name of vitamin B9 is Folic acid it is a soluble in water.
  • The function of Vitamin B9 is important for skin and for gut treatment and for pregnant women it also and doctor choice.
  • Deficiency in vitamin B9 anaemia, dysentery may occur.
  • Sources :vegetables sunflower and fruits.

Vitamin B12:

  • Chemical name of vitamin B12 is cynocobalamin it is soluble in water.
  • Function of vitamin B12 is to treat anaemia and ulcer (mouth disease).
  • Due to deficiency in vitamin B12 and anaemia and amboli may occur.
  • Sources :meat ,milk, egg, dairy products.

Vitamin C:

  • Chemical name of vitamin C is ascrobic acid. It is soluble in water.
  • Function of Vitamin C is important for skin and bone it helps to recover our wound.
  • Due to the deficiency in vitamin C servi and gingiv may occur.
  • Sources: lime, Orange ,tomato and sour products
  • Brocoli is important for humans specially for pregnant womens.

Vitamin D:

  • Chemical name of vitamin D is calciferol. It is soluble in fat.
  • Function of vitamin D is it is very important for calcium absorption to make immune system strong and help in in teeth disease.
  • Due to the deficiency in Vitamin D rickets disease may occur.
  • Sources :sun rays, egg yolk ,milk, orange juice, cod liver oil.
  • SKin make itself vitamin by taking sun rays by cholesterol of skin

Vitamin E:

  • Chemical name of vitamin E is Tocopherols. It is soluble in fat.
  • Function of Vitamin E is to make immune system strong.
  • Due to the deficiency in vitamin E it may occur reduce in manpower.
  • Sources: Ayurvedic oil wheat Barley egg milk nuts. Specially it is very important for liver patient.

Vitamin K:

  • Chemical name of vitamin K Phylloquinone it is soluble in fat.
  • The function of vitamin K is to make protein for bones and tissue.
  • Due to the deficiency in vitamin K bleeding may occur anywhere it will be inside or outside of the body.
  • Sources: tomato and green vegetables.

Should we take the vitamin supplements?

Vitamins play an important role in keeping the body healthy. However, taking large doses of certain vitamins can actually be harmful. For most people, it is best to get the vitamins our bodies need from eating a variety of healthy, unprocessed foods rather than by taking supplements.



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