Kaila Grossman
1 min readFeb 8, 2018

Love yourself, first

Love is not a word to just throw around it’s a serious thing. How often are you saying it back to people and not really meaning it and not feeling it, but you feel like you need to say it because they said it to you. In this case you are not doing anyone any favors. In fact you will leave the experience not feeling good at all. It is so important for you to love yourself first and for most. When you love someone else over yourself, you are in a sense escaping yourself and giving all your love away leaving yourself empty of love. So the best way is to love yourself and by loving yourself, you can give it away freely to another while still feeling full of love (of course only when it feels right for you). So now here we are in the month of February a couple weeks away from Valentine’s Day, How can you love yourself a little more each day this month? But most of all how can you be that perfect valentine to yourself this year? (regardless of your relationship status) 💗💕

Kaila Grossman

Life Coach✨Tune into your inner guidance 💖Understand and transform your experiences •relationship •career •create the life of your dreams