The Overpopulation Myth, and Why it is Harmful.

Medusa Unmascd
3 min readJul 1, 2017


Despite this picture being full of people, this isn’t actually an issue in itself.

The overpopulation myth is one that must be struggled against. To say overpopulation is an issue detracts from the various socioeconomic issues and material conditions that keep us from having our needs met. We have more than enough food, water, housing, supplies, and more to meet the people’s needs. However, the bourgeoisie exploits said needs by holding them for ransom, and extorting us by forcing us to toil for them just to survive, and even then, we barely make enough from one job to make ends meet.

And on the subject of resources, we could have far more efficient, even reusable materials, as well more efficient, sustainable, and environmentally friendly energy sources as well. Sadly, capitalism halts science as soon as it threatens an industry (the petrolium/gasoline/oil industry being a prime example).

But what about America’s birth decline as of late?

On the declining birth rate, I do not see a problem with it, and taking a look at our current socioeconomic issues and material conditions, I can understand why they wouldn’t want to bring children into the world at this point. They would barely be able to spend time with them. They would need to work two or three jobs just to support them, and even then, barely be able to meet both the emotional and material needs of their children. At the same time, we are having people shaming the poor for having children. It’s sad, because those who want children, should be able to have children and be able to take care of them without financial worry.

The overpopulation myth’s underlying bigotry.

Now, the overpopulation myth could also go into the territory of not only being EUGENICIST, but also RACIST, ABLEIST, and even possibly SEXIST as well. It is eugenicist for suggesting that those who live in poverty should not breed, shaming them, with people calling them “irresponsible” and “burdens”. This can also be racist, because many PoC are impoverished and lack the social mobility white people do. It can be ableist because many disabled people have issues holding a job, or even getting one, thus making it harder to take care of their children and meet their needs. It becomes sexist because this primarily places the blame on people with vaginae and uteri, for having the children in the first place, and we forget immediately that some of those people did not plan to have the child, and they were just born, or the child’s making was not consensual. Also, the person may have chosen not to abort or give the child up for adoption due to social pressure, religious reasons, or because they love said child and wish to keep them.

So, the end of another article, and yet another summary.

To keep this myth alive, is to erase any hands the bourgeoisie has in the situation with people not being able to meet their needs, as well as victim blaming the poor, PoC, the disabled, women, and other people who have vaginae and uteri, and the marginalized in general.



Medusa Unmascd

Friendly neighbourhood autistic mixed transwoman that just so happens to be a dirty commie.