Tales of creating a STADI tribe

Kai Mollel
3 min readNov 11, 2021


HI you!

Have you ever wanted to do something so bad but somehow managed to tangle yourself up in a circle; ideate, plan, analyse and then you go back to ideation? Somehow, you are never really ready to put your creation out there; for all those perfectionist creators, this is a very familiar loop that often leaves you drained and a bit disappointed with yourself?

To those of you who have the magical powers of executing, how does it feel being God’s favorite? Really, myself and a tribe of perfectionists would like to know. After a year of running in circles, countless sessions, brain pickings and restless preparations, I present to you….

(Drumrolls…) STADI!!

What’s that you ask? Well, Stadi is a Swahili word that translates to “SKILLS”. At Stadi, we find skillful ways, ideas, blueprints to help entrepreneurs navigate the dark alleys and thorny paths we have chosen. Our belief is in providing applicable knowledge, solving the frustrations of entrepreneurial journeys as well as sharing the tales it screams (noticed how I didn’t say tell?).

As a team, it’s our belief that this platform will touch one million Tanzanian youths and we are so excited with the journey ahead of us.

Is that target big? YES, Can we achieve it? ABSOLUTELYYYYYYYY!!!

** gently pats my own back

Is it scary Kai? OH YES. Are you doing it scared? YES, YES and YES. Is it released in its full version? NO, NOT AT ALL.

Photo by Hello I'm Nik on Unsplash


This version of Stadi is good; actually it’s good enough to serve and spark fire in the belly of every entrepreneur. It’s time; time to take things in our own hands, tell our own stories as raw as they come, highlight our paths and struggles; the real ones, the ugly, the good and the bad without sugarcoating, with no limits, completely free and out f the box.

Here, we are going to learn in a language we know, taught by faces we are familiar with, in places we are and lessons we can completely resonate with.

STADI is a platform to learn how to start that business you always wanted to do, we now have two projects

  • Enterpriser podcast which is basically a bimonthly podcast that unravels the lessons and failures in the entrepreneurship journey with in-depth interviews with heavy-hitters on the entrepreneurship space and experts in various fields.
  • And stadi small business clinics which is another effort to equip entrepreneurs with skills from trainers, experts and peer-mentors

I ask you to join a community of entrepreneurs and fellow hustlers and risk-takers, to help you grow that side hustle you hope to run, and a place to tell your story amidst all the other storytellers.

We pledge to be relevant and inclusive because our vision is to create a tribe of visionaries, creators, innovators and enterprisers to change this country and dare I say change this world

*smirks and rubs hands


This is exciting and trust me, it’s not something that you want to miss and since I Love Ya’ll; just click the link below, fill out your phone and email so that I can make it my business to alert you about everything amazing that’s happening.

The journey has already commenced, your first dose will be prescribed by myself and Mussa (you can stalk him here). Interesting conversations,the type to open your eyes and help you cross the valleys safely.

Wanna listen? CLICK HERE→ https://ffm.to/enterpriserpodcast

As always,

Dearie, I wish you well, and I wish you all good things.

And I know, you have a pure heart that cares for friends and colleagues, make sure they become part of the Stadi tribe. Share this big news with everyone, we are going to win together. *winks

Next time, sawa?




Kai Mollel

Maleficent |🖤| Entrepreneur | Communications & Digital for development |Strategist | creative writer ||