Nobody will switch my Tubie mind

Kai Mollel
3 min readDec 13, 2022


Photo by Damon Carr on Unsplash

Do you know what a ‘tube-lighter’ is?

She says as she chortle playfully as she always does when she sees her favorite person.

Catching a nod and she continues, not caring it implied a yes or a no, as she again always does when she sets to tell her thoughts.

It means, I tend to catch things a little bit slower than I should, like a tube light picking power before it lights, and my mind equally delays to respond, get it?

Again, a subtle response, this time with a glimpse of puzzlement.

So she continues to explain, “some things are as plain as the black and white sky during the day or night, but It still takes time for me to get the clarity”.

She is met with a finally, active retort, a chuckle and an inquiry

“Well, Love, doesn’t the sky remain constant whether it’s a day or night?. so I get why what others see clear, still strikes you as obscure”.

“Ahhhh..Yes yes yes!”. with zeal she replies,

“See,this is why I can tell you these thoughts, you make it less ‘crazy’ for me to have them.

It’s heartwarming.”

They continue talking, but her mind wonders off as usual, her internal back-and-forth kicks in, and she disappears in her thoughts.

Thoughts of how dreadful it is to be a “tube-light”.

The what ifs, like what if by delaying she misses opportunities every day? What if she misread rooms and misdefine connections. What if in those slow-paced realizations of what is, she misses what could be. What if as she slows down time, the fast-paced world abandons her.

But again, It’s not like she doesn’t pay attention, matter of fact she is always ‘present’ or whatever that woke statement means.

Isn’t life merely moments?

What happens when those moments hit a little later after they occurred?

Aren’t we always reminded to take it slow?. Could it be the mere essence of being a ‘tube-light’ is what allows her to live fully? The fullness of perfect imperfect beats of this dance we call life.

Possibly, not every hit is supposed to arrive instantly.

Perhaps even, the fact that moments are translated slower, and the hits arrive a little later encourages introspection. So she commands better attention to details, to context hence more clarity.

Is there a chance that she lives a more in-depth life because she can process moments a little later therefore more intensely?

Scratching the surface rarely gives anything of significance, particularly these days where camouflages are the norm.

A smile isn’t an act that shows happiness, it can just be a pause joy-show.

Moments are staged to solicit a reaction, to conclude a narrative.

We are turning to Pinocchios. Both man and puppet, men in our puppet show, and puppets to other’s play.

If you react to every push or influence in the belief that you are living in the moment, you stand a chance to be the best on puppet master’s show.

Possibly, letting things marinate, and allowing the process to unfold, the slowness in realization, is the very thing that protects us.

At this point, she is lost, on her maze of thoughts, when it finally hits her,

She exclaims, “maybe being a ‘tube-light’ isn’t that bad”.

She meets a smile, a dazzling one.

“Carpe Diem, Carpe Noctem, Carpe Omnia.”.

Seize the day, seize the night, seize everything because any one moment you let slip through your fingers is one you’ll never get back!.



Kai Mollel

Maleficent |🖤| Entrepreneur | Communications & Digital for development |Strategist | creative writer ||