Effects of poor mental health on everyday life

3 min readJul 23, 2023


Mental health


It is a term used to characterize a person’s psychological well-being. Our emotional, social, and psychological well-being are all included in mental health. This influences how we think, feel, and act. It also influences how we deal with stress, interact with others, and make decisions.

Being mentally healthy implies being able to deal with life’s ups and downs. You can overcome setbacks and rely on your strengths. Everyone experiences periods when they are depressed or anxious, but having excellent mental health allows you to keep going even when things are difficult.

There are numerous ways in which the negative impacts of mental health or mental disease might impact our daily life. Even seemingly simple things can be difficult for those who are battling with their mental health.


Let’s start with the most important thing someone has to do in the morning: get out of bed. While throwing off the covers and rolling out of bed may appear to be a simple gesture for some, it can be the most difficult thing to do for individuals suffering from mental illnesses.

In many cases, this is due to the fact that whatever they have to do that day is most likely a source of their stress/anxiety/depression/etc. As a result, it can be beneficial to plan to begin your day with something that makes you joyful, as this is more likely to motivate you to wake up and start your day.


We are all aware that our mental health may have a significant impact on our life, but did you realize that it can also have an impact on our physical health? That’s accurate, our mental health can have a huge impact on our physical health.

A research of 10,693 people discovered that those with poor mental health did not exercise consistently and were more likely to have high blood pressure, heart disease, and obesity. The study also discovered that these people did not engage in normal everyday routines like dressing and showering as frequently as people with good mental health.


Your body is programmed to go through many sleep cycles. When your body receives adequate unbroken sleep, it is easier to remember things, think clearly, and learn new information. Previously, psychologists believed that those with bad sleeping patterns were more prone to health problems. They are beginning to recognize that the relationship is bidirectional, with individuals with mental health issues frequently experiencing bad sleep and those with sleep issues frequently experiencing poor mental health.


Mental health can have a huge impact on how we engage with people, whether it’s in our romantic relationships, friendships, or even our professional encounters.

Maintaining good relationships can be challenging if you are battling with your mental health. You may find yourself battling with your partner more frequently, retreating from friends, or struggling to succeed at work. However, keep in mind that you are not alone. Mental health problems are prevalent, but there are resources available to help.


If any of the above-mentioned daily activities are difficult for you, remember to be gentle with yourself. Take it one step at a time, and if you need assistance, don’t be hesitant to ask for it or contact a mental health professional.

It’s no secret that being mindful may have a significant impact on our lives. After all, it enables us to manage our emotions, cope with stress, and establish great relationships.

credit: WHO/Sergey Volkov




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