The 4 Step Quick Start Guide to set your company up for remote work in case of quarantine

Kai-Thomas Krause
Remote Agility
Published in
7 min readMar 12, 2020


I really do not like the panic that is spread at the moment around COVID-19. However the actions that are taken to stop the spreading are right. Therefore in some countries parts or whole cities are under quarantine.

The question is: How can you prepare your organisation for a remote setup, if you are in an area which could be affected by quarantine soon?

Easy if you are an organisation that already has remote working incorporated. But if you haven’t, or just starting out with remote, this article is for you. Also even if you have something like a mobile work model, these models are usually for a day a week. But during quarantine we talk about a week and more — so permanent remote work. You need to switch your organisation to a virtual company quickly. Here is what you should think about.

Photo by A R C H I G E R O S A on Unsplash

Step 1: Think about Expectations

To make the setup a success it’s paramount to set expectations right. In a quarantine situation we are not talking about the usual mobile work for a day a week. The situation is completely different. There is no possibility to go to the next Starbuck or co-working space. You need to stay at home.



Kai-Thomas Krause
Remote Agility

Entrepreneur / Advisor / Coach / Author — always up to new challenges and thoughts