Amplify These 6 Soft Skills and 5 Self-Growth Tactics to Turbo-Charge Your Life

Ethan J.K Shaw
3 min readApr 26, 2023
Copyrights Author

a) 6 Soft Skills to Shine:

Soft skills, although hard to quantify, are crucial for personal triumph, whereas hard skills are more technical and measurable. For instance, in the case of a flat tire, problem-solving would be a soft skill, while changing the tire would be a hard skill.

Today I present 6 soft skills that can enhance your friendships, love life, family, workplace, and more. Cultivating these will also elevate your overall life quality.

1. Communication:

As mind-readers are scarce, contemplating who should know what and the best way to deliver it is an art. There isn’t a single relationship where communication skills aren’t indispensable.

2. Interpersonal finesse:

Yearning for deeper connections with colleagues or roommates or desiring more friends? It’s time to foster your interpersonal prowess — consider relating to others, noticing nonverbal signals, setting and honouring boundaries, planning and maintaining social engagements, and tackling conflicts.

3. Time management:

With a mere 24 hours in a day and some devoted to slumber, how will you allocate the remaining hours? Proficient time management abilities and habits…



Ethan J.K Shaw

Entrepreneur Spinning Tales | Psychologist Decoding Hearts | Educator Igniting Minds | Poet | Dreamer | Counsellor | Your Witty Compass Amid Life's Chaos :D