Prototypal Inheritance: A tricky topic in Javascript.

Oluwafemi Akinwa
1 min readFeb 9, 2017


A short rant about my recent challenging learning experience.

Javascript has become the dominant language of the web. Most browsers, mobile devices and PCs, understand Javascript. It’s a simple language to learn but kind of tricky to master especially when your experience with OOP is limited to Java.

I must say here that I’m not yet an Eric Elliot or a Wes Bos but, the following Javascript concepts weren’t all that difficult to grasp;

  • Closures
  • Callbacks
  • Functions
  • Objects

One concept I still can’t explain is Prototypal Inheritance. What is it? Well, I can’t explain it. I kind of know what it is but can’t explain it.

So, in order to get rid of my ignorance, I’m going to stick to You Don’t Know JS and mpjme for the next couple of days, solve problems relating to Prototypal Inheritance and seek advice or mentoring from a senior developer.



Oluwafemi Akinwa

Tech Enthusiast | Yoruba Angel | Gamer | Lifelong Learner