Web Analysis

Kaitlyn Doolan
2 min readSep 18, 2018


Three blogs I will be comparing and contrasting are Buzzfeed, Mashable and The Daily Beast.

Buzzfeed is a trendy blog which is popular with today’s generation. Their main focus is social news and entertainment. Buzzfeed has a variety of topics from celebrities, news, business, etc.

Buzzfeed is popular because it is written in simple terms that everyone can understand. Buzzfeed is also written in short form so people get what they want fast.

Buzzfeed has seven different tabs on the top of their page that include: News, Videos, Quizzes, Tasty, As/Is, Reviews and More. On their home page there are links to their most popular/trending stories. New stories are posted every hour and the responses from the readers vary to how serious the story is.

Buzzfeed is very user friendly. Ads are very prominent on Buzzfeed. Two for the same company appear on the home page.

Buzzfeed is different than the other two blogs because they have different quizzes that their readers can take, so it is more interactive with their readers and that is what the people want.

Buzzfeed also has different polls for their readers to take that keeps them involved and makes them feel like their opinion does matter and not just the opinion of the writers of the site.

Mashable is also a blog that delivers news in the video entertainment world, culture, tech, science, business and more.

Mashable has more topics that are science based than the other two blogs. They also have a lot of videos that go along with their news stories.

Mashable has eight different tabs on the top of their page that include: video, entertainment, culture, tech, science, social good, shop and more. New stories are posted daily with a variety of topics.

Mashable draws more of an older crowd than Buzzfeed does and that is because of the different topics that are written about.

Mashable also uses darker colors for their site which sets the tone of seriousness.

Buzzfeed and Mashable have a very similar layout, where a reader can just click on a story and the link will pop up. On Mashable’s site, there is an advertisement for the header of the page and that is the first thing you see.

Finally there is The Daily Beast. The Daily Beast is a news and opinion site where there is a variety of topics including politics, entertainment, books, fashion, business, U.S. news, World news, tech, arts and culture and more.

The Daily Beast has a very similar layout compared to Buzzfeed and Mashable’s layout, but each story is in its respective category. Like Mashable, it has an ad as it’s header and it is the first thing you see as a reader.

The Daily Beast draws a HUGE crowd compared to the other two blogs. This is because they include stories that include people of all different ages, races, demographics, etc.

Out of the three blogs, Buzzfeed is the most appealing to me because it has topics I’m concerned about. Buzzfeed also uses fun colors which are eye-catching.



Kaitlyn Doolan

Convergent Journalism Major and Photo Minor at MWSU. Aspiring Photo-Journalist.