Honoring Female Writers

For International Women’s Day, March 8th, 2024.

Kaj Kandler
4 min readMar 7, 2024

Did you know today (March 8th) is International Women’s Day (IWD)? It has been celebrated for over a century. Back in 1911 over a million people supported it.

IWD is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. The day is also a painful reminder of women’s inequality.

Let’s celebrate some female writers in 2024, who bring great contributions to Medium and its readers.

Photo by Suzy Hazelwood

A surprise awaits you at the bottom of the article!

Anne Bonfert

Anne is an inspiring reporter of her travel adventures. She is in love with the continent of Africa and shares that love in numerous pictures, articles, and even books.

Her latest book was published in 2020 and unfortunately only in German. Anne Bonfert recounts her adventure in Ghana where she worked in an orphanage and a school. She traveled the country with a backpack and her camera.

Jessica Wildfire

If you like a fighter and a straight talker, you should read Jessica Wildfire’s posts. Although she moved away from Medium as her primary writing platform, she still has lots of opinions and observations to share.

Jessica can rant about Medium suppressing her style of headlines. She can also rant about men and a false understanding of masculinity. She points out the aggression that surrounds us and how it lets women retreat from public discourse.

Carlyn Becca

Carlyn Beccia writes about love, relationships, and dating. She dives into adventures and experiments and shares the insights she gains from the experience. She is a real storyteller.

Besides, she is a published author. Her book “They Lost Their Heads!: What Happened to Washington’s Teeth, Einstein’s Brain, and Other Famous Body Parts” is on my list of birthday gifts (I need that for when people ask and I can’t think of anything at that moment).

Fatima Sultan

Fatima writes from an arab perspective. She is an author I read to diversify my perspective. She is a hopeful writer who is not afraid to speak out about what is wrong and how we can strive for a better world.

Fatima Sultan does not shy away from politics or racism. Her historical perspective is often refreshing. Her work is featured in different Medium publications.

Sinem Günel

Sinem Günel is much of a marketer and a strong writer. She helps people to start and grow a business. She writes from experience and her “How To” articles are very well-researched.

Sinem’s writing is inspiring, always lifting her audience up. In many articles, she addresses fears and encourages her readers to overcome them.

Zulie Rane

Who has not heard about Zulie Rane? She is such a powerful voice in marketing and earning a living as a writer.

She mixes up How-to articles about publishing and marketing your writing output with experiments and what she learned from them. Zulie is also a savvy SEO expert and shares her knowledge freely.

Jenn Leach

Jenn is one more writer and marketer who promotes becoming a writerpreneur. What makes her stand out is she tests a lot of the courses and training out there.

Jenn Leach is transparent with her audience about how she makes money. Her reviews are well-researched and authentic. Her writing includes experiences far outside of the make money on Medium sphere.

Crystal Jackson

Crystal Jackson is a romance writer and her articles reflect this. She writes about love and relationships. She reflects on herself and how she feels about her romantic life or the absence of it.

Crystal has a strong opinion about relations ships and it is a point of view of independence. She writes about how this can clash with social norms and expectations of potential partners. Her experiences are genuine and refreshing.

A salute

I salute these diverse women and their writing in 2024. I may not always agree with their point of view, but I appreciate their contributions to public conversations. I admire their success as writers and the passion with which they write and support others.

My IWD offer

I want to offer to one woman 3 months of free 1:1 coaching in Knowledge Panel Optimization with me. If you are a female writer or otherwise creative person with an online presence I will help you to become recognized as a brand in the eyes of Google Search.

If you are interested, book a 20 min. discovery call with me by March 30th, 2024. In the call, you’ll learn how Google sees you and your brand. You will get an idea of what can be achieved for a well-optimized person.

This discovery call will also be an interview of sorts to apply for the 3 month free 1:1 coaching. On May 1st, I’ll let the lucky women know and we’ll start the process.



Kaj Kandler

Knowledge Graph Optimization | Specializing in personal branding for Public Speakers and Coaches | Educating search engines about notable people