Adobe Interview Experience — MTS-II

Kajol Kumari
3 min readSep 3, 2023



While searching for switch, I got chance to get interviewed at Adobe. In this blog post, I aim to provide a comprehensive overview of the entire process, starting from the application phase all the way to the interview stages, specifically for the MTS-2 role.


I submitted applications through referrals for several pertinent positions and also directly applied to other relevant roles. But I got approached by a recruiter directly on linkedIn. Asking me my contact details and preferred time. I received a call from the recruiter. During the conversation, she posed introductory questions about my current position and responsibilities before providing a comprehensive overview of the interview process.


In my case, there were a total of five rounds. As I didn’t get any online assessment for this, so this can vary. I will now provide a detailed breakdown of each round, discussing them individually.

Round 1: (DSA/Algorithm Discussion) — 1 hour

This round started with the introduction, followed by the overview of the work I do in my role currently along with the tech stack I use.

Then it got two medium level hashMap/string related DSA problem, one of them I remember is -

Given a string s, find the length of the longest substring without repeating characters. (

Input: string  = "abcabcbb"
Output: int = 3

Tip — Make sure to explain the logic very clearly before jumping to code along with clearly stating out the time and space complexity of the solution you propose.

Round 2: (Problem Solving Java & Programming)— 1 hour

Here, there were 2 sections of this round, in first half, I got a problem statement that I had to solve using the OOPs concept. The problem statement was —

Design and Implement a Chess Game having the implementation for movement of Queen & Knight.

This is one of the frequently asked problems and its detailed solution can be found at

Tip — You don’t need to present the whole working solution just make sure to explain everything you are thinking with example along with the pseudo code of the approach.

In the second half, we had discussion around kafka (this being the major component of my current work profile). The discussion included the basis and in depth questions about topics, partition, broker, messaging queue along with the scenario based problem. If you have worked with kafka, you should be smoothly able to deal with this 🙂

Round 3: (Design Round) — 1 hour

It was a total design based round, where I was asked to design a whatsapp like system where user should be able to chat, group-chat, voice-call, video-call and set the status.

You can find a lot of good explanation about this at

Round 4: (Hiring Manager Round) — 1 hour

Though the name might be misleading, but it was a total design realted round. In the first 30min, I was asked the question to make a DBaaS. The exact problem statement was —

Expose an API solution where clients will have the flexibility to choose any kind of database they wish(SQL, No-SQL, Cache, DocDB etc.) along with the flexibility to do CRUD operation on their data.

You should refer to read more about DBaaS and how you can propose the solution for this scenario.

In the next half, I was given a table structure and was asked to write a SQL query to get the required data from the table. It followed up with the discussion around database topics like Unique key, primary key, advantages-disadvantages of sql vs no-sql, indexing and sharding.

Round 5: (Director Round) — 1 hour

This round was more of like a behavioural round to check the clutural fit. I was asked a lot of scenario based question and decision taking challenges. It was nothing different from other companies behavioural round.

After this, I got a call from HR next Monday with the acceptance news and we discussed about the compensation.

I hope that this blog will prove beneficial for anyone gearing up for their own interviews. If you have any particular inquiries, please don’t hesitate to contact me on twitter or linkedIn.

Wishing you a joyful learning journey!!! 😄



Kajol Kumari

SDE-II @Intuit | ex- @ExpediaGroup | GSoC’20 @CloudCV | find me on twitter